An Android staggered grid view which supports multiple columns with rows of varying sizes.
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Implementing a Mosaic View which is scrollable in all direction, like CRED app
#206 opened by sagarnayak - 0
Thank you very much!
#207 opened by thangnvv - 13
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view disapear and display some time item display one side only on fast scroll and load more
#201 opened by viswakarmalovekush - 0
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Gradle Build in Android Studio
#180 opened by gitloko - 0
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NullPointerException on LongClick in Edittext
#186 opened by 9to6 - 0
Ratio on Column - 1,2 and 3
#174 opened by globsecure - 5
The content of the adapter has changed but ExtendableListView did not receive a notification. Make sure the content of your adapter is not modified from a background thread
#191 opened by slm - 1
When nested in ScorllView, how to dynamically calculate the height of AndroidStaggeredGrid
#200 opened by hexianqiao3755 - 0
Reload on scroll
#199 opened by norm2016 - 0
Activity automatically close
#198 opened by vinod1988 - 1
Scale Type is not properly managed
#197 opened by ianomad - 2
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Esty item_margin, columns count,
#196 opened by VishalJogiya - 2
setSelection does not work.
#195 opened by ahmed-alamir - 0
getScrollY StaggerGridView return 0
#194 opened by amaydiam - 0
wrong child layout offset
#192 opened by leo2013 - 0
Set Background drawable not working
#190 opened by vikashparajuli - 0
pulltorefresh nesting AndroidStaggeredGrid
#189 opened by itdais - 0
NotifyDataSetChanged showing whole SGV redrawing.
#188 opened by umesh90 - 0
Load youtube thumbnails
#187 opened by indrac - 0
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The problem of top margin
#183 opened by kyungin-park - 0
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Extendable list
#181 opened by sikandercb - 1
Samsung 7 inch Tablet redraw issue
#178 opened by ketanMuttha - 1
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Sectioned headers
#166 opened by lawloretienne - 4
column positioned in wrong place
#161 opened by willisdai - 0
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Exception when using hardware scroll wheel
#172 opened by deinlandel - 0
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Column out of position.
#168 opened by DoubleTime - 0
override onMeasure to expand list failed.
#170 opened by wsk900906 - 1
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When add a header view that can't be selected, the first item view attached with the parent view can't be clicked.
#165 opened by YellowEyed - 1
Opened keyboard affects gridview column count
#156 opened by lawloretienne - 1
Will this Grid view be recycled
#157 opened by raghavendra-m089 - 0
show touch feedback when clicking an item
#163 opened by matantsu - 0
The View Scroll fast when it stop. right or left cell does not draw ,Is any method to resolve it?
#162 opened by freecsdn - 1
Issue when implementing getItemViewType() during InfiniteScroll implementation
#159 opened by siddharth96 - 0
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Could you make 'fast scroll mode'??
#154 opened by kkarynossang - 0
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SmoothScrollToPosition doesn't work
#152 opened by stefanocolaci