An Android staggered grid view which supports multiple columns with rows of varying sizes.
- 8
NullPointerException ListAdapter.getCount();
#45 opened by cesards - 12
Quick Scroll in Landscape
#90 opened by f2prateek - 4
- 1
Crash on click and scroll
#82 opened by KrisGroove - 6
#40 opened by tsemann - 6
Smooth scrolling to position doesn't work
#71 opened by manargias - 19
- 1
Nullpointer on init of grid
#84 opened by edwinhermkens - 9
setColumnCount() problem
#76 opened by sin3hz - 3
Can an image span multiple columns?
#35 opened by borismasis - 8
- 6
Why are there two column count attributes?
#32 opened by ataulm - 0
- 4
setSelection can not work
#34 opened by googolmo - 1
problems when user PullToRefreshLib
#89 opened by demonzym - 3
- 2
- 5
Add support for multi-column items
#68 opened by dlew - 0
#62 opened by pdor - 0
SetEmptyView doesn't work properly
#60 opened by kyze8439690 - 4
NPE onSizeChanged
#41 opened by tumb1er - 3
onItemClick id is incorrect
#69 opened by davejohncole - 4
The first Items get unexpected top margin
#87 opened by nonla - 1
Some warnings in logcat.
#59 opened by Lesik - 2
Add a selected state to onItemClick
#77 opened by premnirmal - 2
- 1
- 1
- 3
NullPointerException on make view
#51 opened by Zerosouth - 2
Adding header and footer causes Error.
#49 opened by sungeuns - 2
- 2
- 2
How to run in eclipse ?
#64 opened by nairvishal - 0
android swiperefreshlayout horizontal bug
#83 opened by parkjaeiek - 1
onLongClick / multiChoiceModeListener
#79 opened by edoardotognoni - 4
BadParcelableException being thrown frequently
#73 opened by phyora - 0
- 0
StaggeredGridView ignoring ViewGroup (e.g. RelativeLayout) visibility changes of child views
#65 opened by jjlauer - 3
- 1
- 3
Footer visibility change is ignored
#48 opened by multiholle - 3
#26 opened by KennyGoers - 2
Touch Selector Workaround
#56 opened by phyora - 1
NullPointerException in calculateColumnWidth
#46 opened by Queatz - 1
grid_paddingTop Gets ignored
#55 opened by manargias - 5
setAdapter requires API11
#43 opened by jacekkwiecien - 0
Unintentional onClick event on scroll down
#42 opened by multiholle - 2
item_margin not having affect
#39 opened by wesselj1 - 1
can not trigger onScrollStateChanged
#28 opened by lishoubo - 0
OnItemClickListener not run for first position
#27 opened by denizmveli