
Upgrade to marshmallow 3

sloria opened this issue ยท 3 comments

๐Ÿ‘‹ Just dropping by to let you know that marshmallow v3 is released.

Upgrading will provide a few benefits for boundary-layer:

before = fields.List(fields.Nested(OperatorSchema))
operators = fields.List(fields.Nested(OperatorSchema))
after = fields.List(fields.Nested(OperatorSchema))


  • Serialization performance is significantly improved compared to v2

I've only skimmed the boundary-layer code, but it looks like the migration should be relatively straightforward.

  1. Use data_key instead instead of load_from and dump_to.
  2. Change usages of .load and .dump to handle ValidationError and expect the (de)serialized data dictionary to be returned.
            data = OozieWorkflowSchema(context={
                'cluster_config': cluster_config,
                'oozie_plugin': oozie_config,
                'macro_translator': JspMacroTranslator(oozie_config.jsp_macros()),
                'production': self.production,
        except ma.ValidationError:
            raise Exception('Errors parsing file {}: {}'.format(

        data_copy = data.copy()
  1. Add **kwargs to decorated methods.
    def validate_template_undefined(self, data, **kwargs):
        # ...

    def dagrun_timeout_to_timedelta(self, data, **kwargs):
        # ...

A full upgrading guide is here:

It's worth knowing that marshmallow 3 only supports Python 3. So you'd need to drop support for 2.7 in order to upgrade. Join the party ! ๐Ÿ˜„

Thanks @sloria, especially for the overview and migration tips! We hop to be taking the py3 plunge sometime soon. Cheers!

Please check #57 , once merged it should resolve this issue.

Hah, this just came up for us because Langchain requires Marshmallow > 3.3