Builds Airflow DAGs from configuration files. Powers all DAGs on the Etsy Data Platform
- 3
Upgrade to marshmallow 3
#40 opened by sloria - 0
- 2
Sort operator arguments on DAG generation
#83 opened by estherbester - 0
- 0
how to write inline function and pass into python operator python callable? eg: python_callable= def get_names(): return ["name1","name2"]
#123 opened by fredrick-sciera - 0
How to get xcom value in downstream operator?
#121 opened by fredrick-sciera - 4
Does boundary-layer have active support?
#114 opened by peleyal - 0
trigger_rule is missing the `none_failed` option
#113 opened by peleyal - 1
Add support in CloudFunctionInvokeFunctionOperator
#109 opened by peleyal - 0
Stop using travis
#100 opened by dossett - 0
Import plugins with Airflow 2.0
#99 opened by alanaalfeche - 0
Upstream dependencies with generator
#98 opened by m-lce - 1
- 3
- 0
Support tags in DAG Model
#86 opened by stevematthew - 7
Add support in EmailOperator
#80 opened by peleyal - 3
Adding more parameters in dag_args
#24 opened by everglory99 - 0
GCP Pubsub Publish Operator / Preprocessor Output - Bytes not supported generating DAGs
#79 opened by brighton1101 - 0
- 4
Support Airflow Variable?
#15 opened by everglory99 - 0
- 1
Support TriggerDagRunOperator
#43 opened by y2k-shubham - 3
- 5
[Question] What are the best practices when passing non-primitive types as arguments to operators?
#38 opened by codesue - 2
Registering custom boundary-layer-plugin
#30 opened by y2k-shubham - 2
Input schema documentation
#32 opened by freuk - 1
Parameterized preprocessor
#33 opened by y2k-shubham - 1
Using preprocessors to cast into custom type
#31 opened by y2k-shubham - 0
- 1
Support for Airflow HTTP operator
#23 opened by moryakub - 0
- 1
- 0
Resources passed to generators (and maybe subdags?) should only depend on sub-workflow operators that use the resource
#5 opened by mchalek - 1
`EnsureRenderedStringPattern` preprocessor should warn without rejecting strings containing verbatim directives
#4 opened by mchalek