Ensta uses a combination of Instagram's Web API & Mobile API making it a reliable choice over other third-party libraries. Also unlike other libraries, ensta always stays up-to-date.
Both authenticated & non-authenticated requests are supported.
Python 3.10 or later is required.
$ pip install ensta
Tap on the headings to view code:
Proxy Support
from ensta import Host
host = Host(username, password, proxy={"http": "", "https": ""})
Username Password Login
from ensta import Host
host = Host(username, password) # Email can also be used
SessionData Login
from ensta import SessionHost
# "session_data" is stored in "ensta-session.txt" file by default.
# you can also get it using "host.session_data"
host = SessionHost(session_data)
2FA Login
Authenticator App
from ensta import Host
# The key you got from Instagram when setting up your Authenticator App
host = Host(
username, # or email
SMS Based
No need to configure anything. Ensta will automatically ask for SMS OTP in the runtime.
Upload Photo (Single Post)
from ensta import Host
host = Host(username, password)
upload = host.get_upload_id("Picture.jpg")
host.upload_photo(upload, caption="Travelling 🌆")
Upload Multiple Photos (Single Post)
from ensta import Host
host = Host(username, password)
upload1 = host.get_upload_id("First.jpg")
upload2 = host.get_upload_id("Second.jpg")
upload3 = host.get_upload_id("Third.jpg")
host.upload_photos([upload1, upload2, upload3], caption="Travelling 🌆")
Upload Reel
from ensta import Host
host = Host(username, password)
caption="Enjoying the winter! ⛄"
Check Username Availability
from ensta import Guest
guest = Guest()
Fetch Profile Data
from ensta import Host
host = Host(username, password)
profile = host.profile("leomessi")
Username to UserID, and vice versa.
from ensta import Host
host = Host(username, password)
username = host.get_username(427553890)
uid = host.get_uid("leomessi")
print(username, uid)
Follow / Unfollow Users
from ensta import Host
host = Host(username, password)
Generate Followers / Followings List
from ensta import Host
host = Host(username, password)
followers = host.followers("leomessi", count=100) # Want full list? Set count to '0'
followings = host.followings("leomessi", count=100) # Want full list? Set count to '0'
for user in followers:
for user in followings:
Switch Account Type - Public/Private
from ensta import Host
host = Host(username, password)
Fetch Someone's Feed
from ensta import Host
host = Host(username, password)
posts = host.posts("leomessi", 100) # Want full list? Set count to '0'
for post in posts:
Add Comment on Posts
from ensta import Host
host = Host(username, password)
post_id = host.get_post_id("https://www.instagram.com/p/Czr2yLmroCQ/")
host.comment("Looks great!", post_id)
Like/Unlike Posts
from ensta import Host
host = Host(username, password)
post_id = host.get_post_id("https://www.instagram.com/p/Czr2yLmroCQ/")
Fetch Post's Likers
from ensta import Host
host = Host(username, password)
post_id = host.get_post_id("https://www.instagram.com/p/Czr2yLmroCQ/")
likers = host.likers(post_id)
for user in likers.users:
Change Profile Picture
from ensta import Mobile
mobile = Mobile(username, password)
Edit Biography, Display Name
from ensta import Host
host = Host(username, password)
host.change_display_name("Lionel Messi")
Fetch Your Email, Gender, Birthday, etc.
from ensta import Host
host = Host(username, password)
me = host.private_info()
Block/Unblock User
from ensta import Mobile
mobile = Mobile(username, password)
mobile.block(123456789) # Use UserID
mobile.unblock(123456789) # Use UserID
Any missing feature? Please raise an issue.
Tap on the headings to view code:
Send Message (Text)
from ensta import Mobile
mobile = Mobile(username, password) # Or use email
direct = mobile.direct()
direct.send_text("Hello", thread_id)
Send Message (Picture)
from ensta import Mobile
mobile = Mobile(username, password) # Or use email
direct = mobile.direct()
media_id = direct.fb_upload_image("image.jpg")
direct.send_photo(media_id, thread_id)
We'll implement more features soon.
Host Class (Authenticated)
Requires login through username & password.
from ensta import Host
host = Host(username, password)
profile = host.profile("leomessi")
Guest Class (Non-Authenticated)
Doesn't require login, but has limited features.
from ensta import Guest
guest = Guest()
profile = guest.profile("leomessi")
Ask questions, discuss upcoming features and meet other developers.
If you wish to support my work, please consider visiting this link:
PayPal: @gitdiezo
- Mr. Tornado: An Instagram account which automatically updates it's biography to reflect the current weekday. (IST Timezone)
- Olgu's Ensta REST API: An unofficial Instagram REST API.
This is a third party library and not associated with Instagram. We're strictly against spam. You are liable for all the actions you take.