
SCRIPTS summarization system for IARPA MATERIAL project.

Primary LanguagePython


SCRIPTS summarization system for IARPA MATERIAL project.

This is the code for running the summarization docker. The starting scripts can be found in docker/bin, which will be introduced below.

The code is roughly structured as follows. Everything is designed as server/client mode. For exmaple tor un the summarization component, we first start multiple servers and then use the client to summarize the queries by calling the servers.

We have the follwing components. Please refer to the client and server python files for the details on what commands are available. They should be pretty straightforward:

  • Morphological component: We use the morph jar file to get all morphological annotations.
  • Doc components: Found in sumdoc/. Handles path and file.
  • Query component: Found in sumquery/. Handles query components, query type and so forth.
  • Annotation: Found in sumannotate/. Creates mutiple annotators that assign sentence score. This may take awhile to set up since we load embeddings here. Note that a cache will be created in /output/cache for faster access next time or in case of failure setting up server. If anything is changed for annotators, please remove files in cache.
  • PSQ: found in sumpsq/. Load the psq translation matrix for annotators
  • Queryrel: Query relevance server. A good performing annotator for lexical queries
  • Scripts_sum: Object encapsulations of various stuff.
  • configs: Configuartion for the embeddings and annotators used for each language submission and demo. Also stores configs for default psq_keys and retranslation strategy.

Running Summarizer for Evaluation

To run the summarizer for evaluation, we expect the following input from CLIR experiment folder (located at /experiment)

  • A single json config specifying the following keys:

    • data_collection.data_store_structure: str specifying the data structure file
    • data_collection.collections: List[str] specifying the list of collection paths
    • query_processor.query_list_path: str path to the query analyzer directory. We use this to prepare the list of queries we summarize -query_processor.psq_keys: List[str] list of psq keys we use to generate the psq annotators
  • UMD-CLIR-workECDir : A directory with the following files queryxxx.tsv, where xxx is a number of the query id. This file should have three columns, the document id, the relevance judgment (Y if relevante else N), and relevance score

  • UMD-CLIR-workECDir-f1 : Optional directory for using retranslation. Should be only relevant for kk and ka.

The default entrypoint for the script is server_full, which starts the server, summarize the queries, retranslate if necssary, and then package the files for submission. This script takes in the following arguments:

  • run_name: The name of the package run
  • work_dir: The output directory. Relevant for retranslation that we need to run docker within docker
  • num_procs: The number of processors to run.
  • gpu_id: The gpu id to run translation docker or ape docker. Relevant only for retranslation

An example run is the following:


NIST_VOL="-v /storage/data/NIST-data:/NIST-data"
CLIR_VOL="-v $CLIR:/clir"
OUTPUT_VOL="-v $OUTPUT_DIR:/outputs"


docker run -it -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \
        $NIST_VOL $OUTPUT_VOL $CLIR_VOL $EXPERIMENT_VOL -it --user "$(id -u):$(id -g)" --group-add $(stat -c '%g' /var/run/docker.sock) --rm $VERBOSE \
        --name sumtest --ipc=host summarizer:v3.0 $run_name $work_dir $num_procs $gpu_id

Of course, you can always run each component separately, which you can read through docker/bin/server_full to understand.


The entrypoint for demo is server_demo for the server and summarize_queries_demo to run the client. This expects to take in a directory loaded onto /experiments, which contains a single .json file containing configuraiton of the server

The output directory should contain clir_output/ that contains the json file to be used for summarize_qureies_demo.


The Dockerfile is included, but please put the dockerfile one directory above this scripts folder.

The additional directory we need is as follows:

  1. CLIR-Summarizaiton-19/ : The directory that stores query relevance stuff
  2. tools/ : The directory that contains the scripts-morph file and its related resources/ directory
  3. models/ : The most important directory that contains all the embeddings.
    1. glove.{6B,42B}.300d.pkl, This is created by using pickle to storing the scripts_sum.embedding.from_path
    2. queryrel_artifacts
    3. emb: The directory that stores 1) cc.xx.300.vec.pkl. Created like the glove embeddings. To recreate, call scripts_sum.embeddings.from_path and pickle the Embedding object. An example can be found in generate_fasttext_embeddings.sh, 2) roberta_embs/xx/ that stores the roberta sentence embedding for each translation and query. Generated using torch save and load. An example to combine embeddings can be found in combine_embeddings.py.

Documentation of some of the components


This is the code for setting up the server. The optional parameter -k allows to keep the server running forever. May need docker kill to remove it.

Server reads in the config file from /experiments, get the corresponding components and start each server by calling the corresponding python script. Upon successful setup, Summarization server is ready. should be displayed.


Wrapper for summarize_queries.py that takes in the query_id to process. Need the server up and running


Run retranslation if possible by running the following sequentially: retranslate_candidates.py, docker command to run constrainedMT or constrainedAPE, retranslate_markup.py.


Generate images and then put everything into a tar ball for submission


This research is based upon work supported in part by the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI), Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Activity (IARPA), via contract # FA8650-17-C-9117. The views and conclusions contained herein are those of the authors and should not be interpreted as necessarily representing the official policies, either expressed or implied, of ODNI, IARPA, or the U.S. Government. The U.S. Government is authorized to reproduce and distribute reprints for governmental purposes notwithstanding any copyright annotation therein.