
Open C2 POC

GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


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Kratos-C2 Proxy

The proxy is responsible for accepting requests for managing a node and a processing/relay commands. The Proxy provides a REST API with Swagger Docs with the following:

  • Authentication

  • User name and password

  • Permanent API key

  • API Endpoints

  • All CRUD operations for kratos_c2_proxy/models.py

  • Command processor API endpoint (POST)



Kratos-c2 architecture (Open C2 concept)

C2 Client ------> C2 Proxy (Interface to C2 Master/Relay)
                       |        Setup node
                       |        Get Capabilities
                       |        Setup actuators
                       |        Setup capabilities
                    C2 Master <----->C2 Relay         (Orchestrator)Open C2 Capabilities/Sig Match
                                    |                   Dispatch cmds, load profiles
                                 Mitigation System Manager (orchestrator)