
A Golang MapleStory private server

Primary LanguageGoApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Compiling Instructions

Install docker & docker-compose. Thats it!

Starting the Server

In order to run the channel server you are required to convert a v28 Data.wz (not provided) to Data.nx (NX file format). Note: Make sure to disable re-ordering for items when performing the conversion. This is needed as Wizet did not match index with id. If the order of items is re-ordered based on id then you will end up with mismatched portals.

  • docker-compose up -d && docker-compose logs -f will start the server components in docker containers
  • ctrl+c will stop displaying logs but the servers will be running in the background still
  • To stop everything run docker-compose down
  • To restart a specific container run docker-compose restart <name e.g. login-server>, if a container crashes it will auto restart
  • To stop/start a single container run docker-compose stop/start <name e.g. login-server>
  • To rebuild and start a container incase of source updates run docker-compose build && docker-compose up -d --no-deps <name e.g. channel-server>, it will say that the login-server is being rebuilt, this is because all the servers run off of the same base image

note: curently the logins server tells the client the channel server at a fixed ip address. change this before docker-compose build

note: database data is stored as docker volume

note: make sure to configure the services for your ip addresses and ports in the docker-compose.yaml file

The following is an example of what the docker logs should look like:

Connecting To Your Running Game Server (running in a docker container)

Administrating Your Server

The server sends auditing information to an eleastic search instance running in a docker container. Kibana can be used to view the data.

GM Commands, chat, login/logout events, server transitions, party join/leave, trade transactions, damage received/inflicted, skill used, stat distribution etc are logged.

NPC scripts can be found in the scripts/npc folder. There are some examples in there

GM Commands - prefix of /

  • packet - Send packet to client
  • warp - warp to map
  • notice - send notice message to channel
  • dialogue - send dialogue box message to channel
  • job - change job
  • level - change level
  • spawn - spawn mob at character location
  • killmobs - kill all mobs on map
  • exp - give exp
  • mobrate - modify mob rate
  • exprate - modify exp rate
  • mesorate - modify meso rate
  • droprate - modify drop rate
  • header - change channel header message

Check command/handlers.go for parameters


  • inventory drop item ask quantity where relevant
  • parties
  • guilds
  • redo wizet data loading to be nx & wz agnostic
  • Mob death, exp, skills & respawn
  • monster/player drop items
  • Skills & buffs (incl. item buffs)
  • reactors

NPC chat display info (use this when scripting NPCs)

NPCs are scripted in anko

Taken from here

  • #b = Blue text.
  • #c[itemid]# Shows how many [itemid] the player has in their inventory.
  • #d = Purple text.
  • #e = Bold text.
  • #f[imagelocation]# - Shows an image inside the .wz files.
  • #g = Green text.
  • #h # - Shows the name of the player.
  • #i[itemid]# - Shows a picture of the item.
  • #k = Black text.
  • #l - Selection close.
  • #m[mapid]# - Shows the name of the map.
  • #n = Normal text (removes bold).
  • #o[mobid]# - Shows the name of the mob.
  • #p[npcid]# - Shows the name of the NPC.
  • #q[skillid]# - Shows the name of the skill.
  • #r = Red text.
  • #s[skillid]# - Shows the image of the skill.
  • #t[itemid]# - Shows the name of the item.
  • #v[itemid]# - Shows a picture of the item.
  • #x - Returns "0%" (need more information on this).
  • #z[itemid]# - Shows the name of the item.
  • #B[%]# - Shows a 'progress' bar.
  • #F[imagelocation]# - Shows an image inside the .wz files.
  • #L[number]# Selection open.
  • \r\n - Moves down a line.
  • \r = Return Carriage
  • \n = New Line
  • \t = Tab (4 spaces)
  • \b = Backwards


  • Vana
  • Sunnyboy for providing a list of idbs for which this project would not have started


Valhalla Logo made with DesignEvo