
Guide, recipes, and protocol specifications for Logux

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Logux and WebSocket client/server framework to make:

  • Collaborative apps when multiple users work with the same document. Logux has features inspired by CRDT to resolve edit conflicts between users. Real-time updates to prevent conflicts. Time travel to keep actions order the same on every client. A distributed timer to detect the latest changes.
  • Real-time to see changes by another user immediately. Logux combines WebSocket with modern reactive client architecture. It synchronizes Redux actions between clients and servers, and keeps the same order of actions.
  • Optimistic UI to improve UI performance by updating UI without waiting for an answer from the server. Time travel will revert changes later if the server refuses them.
  • Offline-first for the next billion users or New York City Subway. Logux saves Redux actions to IndexedDB and has a lot of features to merge changes from different users.
  • Compatible with modern stack: Redux, Vuex and pure JS API, works with any back-end language and any database.
  • Just extra 9 KB in client-side JS bundle.

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Client Example

React/Redux client

Using Logux Redux:

export const Counter = () => {
  const counter = useSelector(state => state.counter)
  const dispatch = useDispatch()
  // Load current counter from server and subscribe to counter changes
  const isSubscribing = useSubscription(['counter'])
  if (isSubscribing) {
    return <Loader></Loader>
  } else {
    // dispatch.sync() will send Redux action to all clients
    return <div>
      <h1>{ counter }</h1>
      <button onClick={ dispatch.sync({ type: 'INC' }) }></button>
Vue/Vuex client

Using Logux Vuex:

  <h1 v-if="isSubscribing">Loading</h1>
  <div v-else>
    <h1>{{ counter }}</h1>
    <button @click="increment"></button>

import { computed } from 'vue'
import { useStore, useSubscription } from '@logux/vuex'

export default {
  setup () {
    // Inject store into the component
    let store = useStore()
    // Retrieve counter state from store
    let counter = computed(() => store.state.counter)
    // Load current counter from server and subscribe to counter changes
    let isSubscribing = useSubscription(['counter'])

    function increment () {
      // Send action to the server and all tabs in this browser
      store.commit.sync({ type: 'INC' })

    return {
Pure JS client

You can use Logux Client API with any framework:

client.type('INC', (action, meta) => {
  counter.innerHTML = parseInt(counter.innerHTML) + 1

increase.addEventListener('click', () => {
  client.sync({ type: 'INC' })

await client.sync({ type: 'logux/subscribe' channel: 'counter' })

Server Example


Using Logux Server:

server.channel('counter', {
  access () {
    // Access control is mandatory
    return true
  async load (ctx) {
    // Load initial state when client subscribing to the channel.
    // You can use any database.
    let value = await db.get('counter')
    return { type: 'INC', value }

server.type('INC', {
  access () {
    return true
  resend () {
    return 'counter'
  async process () {
    // Don’t forget to keep action atomic
    await db.set('counter', 'value += 1')

logux-django with the Logux WebSocket proxy server.

# logux_actions.py
class IncAction(ActionCommand):
    action_type = 'INC'

    def resend(self, action: Action, meta: Optional[Meta]) -> Dict:
        return {'channel': 'counter'}

    def access(self, action: Action, meta: Meta) -> bool:
        return True

    def process(self, action: Action, meta: Meta) -> None:

# logux_subsriptions.py
class CounterChannel(ChannelCommand):
    channel_pattern = r'^counter$'

    def access(self, action: Action, meta: Meta) -> bool:
        return True

    def load(self, action: Action, meta: Meta) -> None:
        counter_value = Counter.objects.first().val
        return {'type': 'INC', 'value': counter_value}

Ruby on Rails

logux_rails gem with the Logux WebSocket proxy server.

# app/logux/channels/counter.rb
module Channels
  class Counter < Logux::ChannelController
    def initial_data
      [{ type: 'INC', value: db.counter }]
# app/logux/actions/inc.rb
module Actions
  class Inc < Logux::ActionController
    def inc
      # Don’t forget to keep action atomic
      db.update_counter! 'value += 1'
# app/logux/policies/channels/counter.rb
module Policies
  module Channels
    class Counter < Policies::Base
      # Access control is mandatory. API was designed to make it harder to write dangerous code.
      def subscribe?
# app/logux/policies/actions/inc.rb
module Policies
  module Actions
    class inc < Policies::Base
      def inc?
Any other HTTP server

You can use any HTTP server with Logux WebSocket proxy server. Here is a PHP-like pseudocode example:

$req = json_decode(file_get_contents('php://input'), true);
if ($req['password'] == LOGUX_PASSWORD) {
  foreach ($req['commands'] as $command) {
    if ($command['command'] == 'action') {
      $action = $command['action'];
      $meta = $command['meta'];

      if ($action['type'] == 'logux/subscribe') {
        echo '[{ "answer": "approved", "id": "' + $meta['id'] + '" },';
        $value = $db->getCounter();
        send_json_http_post(LOGUX_HOST, [
          'password' => LOGUX_PASSWORD,
          'version' => 4,
          'commands' => [
              'command' => 'action',
              'action' => ['type' => 'INC', 'value' => $value],
              'meta' => ['clients' => get_client_id($meta['id'])]
        echo '{ "answer": "processed", "id": "' + $meta['id'] + '" }]';

      } elseif ($action['type'] == 'inc') {
        $db->updateCounter('value += 1');
        echo '[{ "answer": "approved", "id": "' + $meta['id'] + '" },' +
              '{ "answer": "processed", "id": "' + $meta['id'] + '" }]';


CRDT ideas in Logux

Youtube:c7t_YBNHkeo CRDT ideas in Logux talk

Using Logux in Production

Youtube:DvHNOplQ-tY Using Logux in Production talk