
Welcome to Code Beats, a project where everyone can create their own page showcasing their favorite song. In this project, participants will learn to integrate music and programming by creating an interactive webpage.


Easy-to-use HTML, CSS and JQuery Mobile templates to create a personal music page. Ability to customize the page with personal images and text. Built-in audio player or clickable link to stream the favorite song. Option to share the page with friends and family.


Basic understanding of HTML, CSS and JQuery Mobile. Familiarity with a text editor (e.g. Sublime, Atom, Visual Studio Code).

How to get started

Fork the repository and clone it to your local machine. Choose one of the HTML and CSS templates and make your modifications. Upload your favorite song and image to the project folder. Preview your page and make final tweaks. Commit and push your changes to the repository.


We welcome contributions from anyone interested in improving the project. If you have an idea for a new feature or a bug fix, please open a pull request and we will review it as soon as possible.

Get ready to rock and roll with Code Beats!