
A simple site to render the datasets samples of the second project of "Algoritmi and Strutture Dati - UNITN"

Primary LanguageVueMIT LicenseMIT


A simple site to render the datasets samples of the second project of "Algoritmi and Strutture Dati - UNITN"

link to the site: https://algo-render.herokuapp.com

Project introduction:

The second project of "Algoritmi and Strutture Dati - UNITN" consisted in a teams challenge. An alghorithmic problem was proposed and the solutions were to be submitted to a server as a c++ program. The server would have tested the program on different inputs and give points in base of the correctness and efficiency of the solution.

This is the link of the assignment (in Italian).

Project purpose:

We were given twenty sample inputs in order to try our solutions before submiting. But, being the inputs only numbers in a text file, it would have been useful to see them rendered in a grid. Doing that manually was too time-consuming.

This project consists in a server that serves the frontend and the sample input files and in a frontend that makes you select the solution and visualize it in your browser (Desktop only).

How to use it:

  • Go to https://algo-render.herokuapp.com on a desktop browser.
  • A select will appear. Select an input sample.
  • You will se the rendered input sample.
  • If you want to try a solution (an example could be "x x 1 1 DDDRRU", the rules are in the assignment.pdf), you can write it in the text input and click the button MOSTRA (trd. SHOW)
  • The solution will be displayed in the grid.
  • You can click all the grid cells to select them, in order to try manually solutions or anything else.

How was it made

The server was made with Node.js and the frontend with Vue.js and Typescript. I also used Vuesax for the inputs and the button. The site is not perfect because we needed it at the moment and it was developed in a matter of hours.

How to build it

To build the project:

  • Install Node.js
  • Clone the repository (git clone https://github.com/euberdeveloper/algo-render)
  • On the root folder of the repo, execute npm i to download the node modules
  • On the frontend folder of the repo, execute npm i and npm run build to build the frontend
  • On the root folder, execute npm start to run the server
  • With a browser, test the site on http://localhost:8000