
This github action gets from the package manager json file (package.json, composer.json, ...) the version of the project and exposes it

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

GitHub Marketplace


This github action gets from the package manager json file (package.json, composer.json, ...), or in case an xml one, the version of the project and exposes it.

Project purpose

Sometimes, for instance when you publish a github release or a dockerhub image through a github action, you need a properly way to choose the version. If you are using npm with NodeJS or composer with PHP, you will have a package.json or composer.json file where you can easily put the version of the project. If you are using Maven with java you will be using a pom.xml file. If you are using python, maybe you are using poetry or Pipenv. This can be extended to other languages/package managers, as long as they have a .json, .xml or a .toml file. This project consists in a github action that automatically exposes the version contained in those json/xml/toml files, so that they can be used by other steps of the action you are adding.


name: release

    branches: [ main ]

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest

      - uses: actions/checkout@v3
      # This is how you use the ga-project-version action
      - name: Get version of the project
        id: project-version
        uses: 'euberdeveloper/ga-project-version@main'
          package-manager: 'composer'

      # In this step the exposed version is used as tag of a github release to publish
      - name: Add release
        uses: "marvinpinto/action-automatic-releases@latest"
          repo_token: "${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}"
          # This is how you access the exposed version
          automatic_release_tag: "${{ steps.project-version.outputs.version }}"
          title: "Deploy"
          files: |


Supported Parameters

Parameter Description Default
package-manager The package manager of your project (npm, composer, maven, poetry or pipenv). npm
root-directory The root directory (containing your .json/.xml/.toml file) ./
path If you have a custom json file containing the version of the project, you can specify its full path. undefined
version-prop If in the json/xml/toml file the property containing the version is not called version, you can set it here. The key can be nested, like in uno.due.tre undefined / for most cases the action behaves smartly for each package manager

Note: If path is specified, package-manager and root-directory are ignored.


The following output values can be accessed via ${{ steps.<step-id>.outputs.<output-name> }}:

Name Description Type
version The extracted version string

How does it work

Internally, the action is written in Typescript, tested with Jest and bundled with EsBuild.

The action uses directly path if specified, otherwise it guesses the file name by package-manager and the location by root-directory. After that, it requires the json/xml/toml file and inspects the right version property (or version-prop if specified) and adds it as an output.

Possible improvements

Some improvements could be:

  1. Add support for gradle
  2. Add support for setup.py (tricky)
  3. Add support for yaml
  4. Refactor everything and make it more generic (path / type of file (json/xml/toml/...) / version prop) and package manager as a shortcut

Feel free to make pull requests!


The commits are pushed to the branch dev, after that an action will generate the bundle and push everything in the branch main. For versioning, releases are manually created.