
The php backend of webfoto

Primary LanguagePHP

Note that this project has been moved to the organization Dev-digitalgarda


This is the php backend of the project "Webfoto".

The project

The "Webfoto" project's purpose is to put some cameras, that take a photo every a certain amount of time, in some hotels, so that a web component can show the timeline of the view of that hotel in the hotel's website.

The PHP backend

The php backend is the code that periodically handles and organizes the images sent by the cameras, making them homogeneous, and that furnishes the APIs to the webcomponent. It is a PHP code that can be used by any server that can run PHP.

What does it exactly do

For the cronjob part:

  1. It parses the .env file
  2. It reads the settings.json file
  3. Then it does the next steps for each of the albums that it finds in the settings.json
  4. If a table for the photos of for the album is missing in the db, it creates it
  5. Then it retrieves all the images in the input folder of the album
  6. It analyzes them and, in base of the configurations, removes the ones that are not needed
  7. It then adds a good name to the kept photos and moves them to the output folder of the album, by adding also a tuple to the database for each photo
  8. If it is written in the settings, it sends via ftp the last image of the album
  9. It then checks if there are images that, depending on the configurations, are too days old, and removes them
  10. It then checks if, depending on the configuration, there were not input images for a certain amount of time and, if this is the case, it sends an email alert

For the api part:

endpoint description
/api/albums/:name/images It returns all the ISO timestamps of all the images of this album, sorted in ascending order, as a json array. The param :name is exactly the one used in the webcomponent that shows this album and that is in the settings.json
/api/albums/:name/images It redirects to the last image of this album, which is statically served. The param :name is exactly the one used in the webcomponent that shows this album and that is in the settings.json

The configuration

The configuration is done both with a .env file with environment variables and with a settings.json file.

The .env file

There is in this repo a .env.example file with an example of .env file.

The variables are the ones in the table below:

Variable Required Default Description
DB_HOST ✔️ undefined The host of the mysql database
DB_PORT ✔️ undefined The port of the mysql database
DB_DATABASE ✔️ undefined The name of the mysql database
DB_USER ✔️ undefined The user of the mysql database
DB_PASSWORD ✔️ undefined The password of the mysql database
DB_CHARSET utf8mb4 The charsed used by the mysql database
EMAIL_AUTH_TYPE undefined It can be CREDENTIALS or GOOGLE and specifies the way the user is authenticated to send emails in case of an alert
EMAIL_HOST undefined The smtp host of the email
EMAIL_USERNAME undefined The email username
EMAIL_PASSWORD undefined The email password, used in case of CREDENTIALS auth
EMAIL_GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID undefined The email google client id, used in case of GOOGLE auth
EMAIL_GOOGLE_CLIENT_SECRET undefined The email google client secret token, used in case of GOOGLE auth
EMAIL_GOOGLE_REFRESH_TOKEN undefined The email google refresh token, used in case of GOOGLE auth
EMAIL_RECIPIENT undefined The email address of the recipient of the alert email
EMAIL_RECIPIENT_TEXT undefined The name of the email recipient of the alert email
EMAIL_SUBJECT undefined The subject of the email alert. Note that {{ALBUM}} is substituted with the album name
EMAIL_BODY undefined The body of the email alert. Note that {{ALBUM}} is substituted with the album name
ALERT_THRESHOLD_HOURS undefined After how many hours without images will an email alert be sent
SETTINGS_PATH ./settings.json The path of the settings json file
KEEP_LAST_DAYS ✔️ undefined How many days of photos will be kept (Note that older photos will be deleted).
OUTPUT_FOTOS_PATH ✔️ undefined The path where the handled photos will be saved (Note that there will be a subfolder with the album's name).
OUTPUT_FOTOS_URL ✔️ undefined The path that statically serves the photos (the root folder). It is used bye the last-image api endpoint.
ADD_CORS true If in the api endpoint a cors-allow-anywhere will be added.

The settings.json file

It is an array defining each album (which represents an hotel). Note that there is a settings.example.json file in this repo.

The properties are:

Variable Type Required Description
name string ✔️ The name of the album, which will be used also in the database
inputPath string ✔️ The path to the directory were the camera saves the album photos
driver string ✔️ The type of driver used to parse the input folder (for instance dahua or hikvision)
keepEverySeconds number ✔️ Which is the minimum gap in seconds of two subsequent photos that are kept
ftp.host string The ftp host where the last images will be sent
ftp.user string The ftp user where the last images will be sent
ftp.port number The ftp port where the last images will be sent
ftp.password string The ftp password where the last images will be sent
ftp.destination string The ftp path where the last images will be sent

Note: ftp is a nested object.

The database

The database is mysql or mariadb (neither the implementation nor the configuration change).

The database contains two tables:

  • images: It contains the saved images
  • alerts: It contains information about alerts

The image table:

Column Type Description
id integer The incremental id of the tuple
name text The name of the album
path text The path where the image is saved, relative to the outputs subfolder
timestamp datetime The datetime of the image

The alerts table:

Column Type Description
id integer The incremental id of the tuple
name text The name of the album
timestamp datetime The timestamp when the last time an alert was sent for this album. It is used to avoid send more than an email alert a day

How was it made

Because Rector is used to downgrade the php code to legacy php code versions, ideally, the last version of php can be used for this code. At the time this text was written, the latest version was php 8.

For the dependencies, composer was used. All the code is well modularized and organized in namespaces with classes.

How to use it

  1. Download the last generated code from the releases
  2. Add a .env and a settings.json file, by looking at the analogue example files and at this readme
  3. Execute composer install
  4. Serve the php code and note that you are responsible to call the cronjob.php periodically

Automatic deploy

The deploy is actually automatically handled through a github action.

The github action:

  1. Starts an ubuntu docker container
  2. Adds php and composer
  3. Installs the dependencies
  4. Uses rector to downgrade the php version
  5. Compresses the code
  6. Gets the composer.json version
  7. Pulishes a new release with that version and with the compressed backend

Were are the static files that I just have to serve?

Every automatic deploy creates a new release. In that release, there is attached a compressed (.tar.gz) file containing the generated code.

How should I contribute

Whoever will contribute and work on this code:

  1. Should install locally php, composer and a mysql-like db
  2. Clone the project and checkout on the dev branch
  3. Change the code
  4. Add the submodule with composer run pull-core
  5. Test locally the changes with composer start
  6. Push the code on dev
  7. Only when you want a new release to be published, you should update the version in composer.json and merge the dev branch into main