
Live on Warpcast:

  1. Overview
  2. Integration
  3. Frame Flow
  4. Features
  5. Technologies


interframe is a Farcaster Frame implementation of a blockchain reader for NFT collections.

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a.k.a. interframation

This is a special note to any frame devs out there

If you'd like to refer to this frame in anyway, the home page can be retrived by fetching this url:

If you'd like to navigate user to a summary page for a particular token that you'd provide to interframe, fetch the /api/summary endpoint with the collection address as a tokenAddy query parameter.


// Handing off frame to interframe/summary example:
// request URL:
const res = await fetch(''
return new Response(res.body, {headers: {'Content-Type'}: 'text/html'})


Name Endpoint Notes
Homepage No query parameters required
Summary tokenAddy: a string representing a token address
Latest mints tokenAddy: a string representing a token address
Top holders tokenAddy: a string representing a token address

These endpoints can all be fetched with a GET request as in the example shown above.

Frame Flow

After the user selects a particular token, interframe navigates the user to view useful information about that token.

This includes a summary, top holders, latest mints, and popular casts related to the selected token.

It currently supports ERC-721 and ERC-1155 tokens on Base, Ethereum, and Zora.


My Tokens (/api/select-blockchain /api/my-tokens)

Users can browse from a selection of tokens that they own.

image image

Search (/api/search)

Users can input and submit a contract address or token name to view blockchain data about that token.

image image

Summary (/api/summary)

The summary page gives a brief summary of a specific token.


Top Holders (/api/holders)

The top holders page allows users to nagivate through the top 10 holders of a collection.


Latest Mints (/api/latest-mints)

The latest mints page allows users to nagivate through the latest mints of a collection.


Popular Casts

Note: This feature is yet to be implemented


interframe uses several APIs to retreive its data.

  • zdk: ZDK is a Typescript abstraction of Zora's GraphQL API
    • usage: the zdk is being used in interframe to retrieve basic information about a collection. This information is served in /api/summary
    • website: ZDK
  • The Graph: The Graph is a collection of decentralized GraphQL APIs
    • usage: The Graph is being used in interframe to retrieve information about top holders for collections on Ethereum and Base. This information is served in /api/holders
    • website: The Graph
  • @vercel/og: This Typescript library exposes a convenience method to generate a valid OpenGraph image using JSX elements. It uses satori under the hoood.
    • usage: ImageResponse is used for generating all OpenGraph images for interframe. See: /api/images/*
    • website: Vercel OG
  • Farcaster Frame: Farcaster Frame(s) are an extension of the OpenGraph protocol to generate interactive content on decentralized social platforms.
    • usage: The API routes return a valid response that adheres to the Farcaster Frames spec
    • website: Farcaster Frame spec
  • Airstack: A GraphQL API for decentralized social graphs and Ethereum+ blockchains
    • usage: Airstack is used to deduce Farcaster-related information about a token. E.g. using TokenBalances query to calculate what percentage of the holder base are verified Farcaster accounts. It is also being used for the query string search functionality on /api/search/results route.
    • website: Airstack