
onchain vibe check*

diy vibe generator

vibes in a frame

verifiable supplementary cv material; cv + ocvc = 👍

Table of Contents

  1. Demo
  2. Overview
  3. Motivation
  4. Workflows
  5. Technologies
  6. Roadmap
  7. Contributors


Developers: To learn how this app was made, please skip to technologies

Interact with ocvc* using Warpcast's frame validator tool:




ocvc* is a data aggregation tool for Farcaster users to generate and share their vibes. Using the tool, users are able to select various "vibe metrics" and then copy a URL that can display these vibes as an Open Frame. OCVC* retrieves its data from Farcaster Hubs and EVM-compatible chains (e.g. Base, Ethereum). Because it supports Open Frames, users can use these generated links and share them on any platform that supports the Open Frames protocol, such as XMTP.

ocvc frame on Converse


With the popularity of services like Bountycaster on the rise, we can see a future where onchain work becomes more in-demand. Work comes in many different forms such as ad-hoc collaborative projects between disparate independent entities. ocvc* can help users like this quickly assess each other's "vibes" and streamline the process of collaboration committments.


  1. Generating your onchain vibe check
  2. Sharing your onchain vibe check!

Generating Onchain Vibe Check

Users are able to generate their ocvc* as a frame URL.

This workflow involves:

  1. Logging in using Privy
  2. Selecting various vibe metrics
  3. Generating their ocvc

Logging in

Selecting Vibe Metrics

Generating OCVC*


This workflow involves:

  1. Navigating to their page on ocvc (https://ocvc.vercel.app/<fid>)
  2. Clipboarding the frame URL
  3. Sharing the URL on Open Frame compatible client

Navigating to ocvc page


^ if fc user has not generated yet

Clipboarding the Frame URL


Sharing OCVC Frame URL


  • Privy: Privy is a super easy user account solution that is fully customizable with Web2 or Web3 login methods
    • usage: Privy is used to login the user. The user must be logged in with Privy to generate their vibe checks as their Farcaster data is essential for vibe metric retrieval
    • website: Privy
  • Karma3Labs: Karma3Labs exposes APIs that aggregate social reputation data for use by other developers
    • usage: Karma3Labs is used to fetch Farcaster reputation scores for the user's "Status" vibe metric (please see src/app/generate/status)
    • website: Karma3Labs
  • Neynar: Neynar is a developer-friendly API service for Farcaster data
    • usage: Neynar, together with their nodejs-sdk, is being used to easily retrieve a Farcaster's user's data such as their verified Ethereum addresses (please see src/app/generate/*)
    • website: Neynar
  • Airstack: Airstack is a data service for decentralized social and blockchain data
    • usage: Airstack was used to query for Farcaster's user's blockchain data such as their latest token transfers on Base (please see src/app/generate/status + src/app/generate/taste)
    • website: Airstack
  • frames.js: frames.js is an open source Typescript library to integrate Frames into various JS frameworks
    • usage: frames.js is used to quickly generate metadata that is in compliance with the Open Frames specs (please see: src/app/[fid]/<endpoint>/image/route.tsx)
    • website: frames.js
  • @vercel/og: This Typescript library exposes a convenience method to generate a valid OpenGraph image using JSX elements. It uses satori under the hoood.
    • usage: ImageResponse is used for generating all OpenGraph images for interframe. See: src/app/[fid]/<endpoint>/image/route.tsx
    • website: Vercel OG
  • Open Frame: Open Frame(s) are an extension of the OpenGraph protocol to generate interactive content within various clients that support them.
    • usage: The API routes return a valid response that adheres to the Open Frames spec
    • website: Open Frames spec


  • ocvc(s) as downloadable PDFs
  • render the ocvc on the website
  • more vibey vibe metrics (Supporters
  • more actionable Frame buttons


note: despite the name, nothing is being saved onchain; ocvc* is merely aggregating (sufficiently-)onchain vibe metrics from fc and the superchain. ocvc(s) as EAS would be nice though...