Evernote Webapp integration for Ubuntu Unity
Evernote basic integration with Ubuntu Unity desktop.
For more information about Ubuntu Unity Web apps see this: http://developer.ubuntu.com/resources/technologies/webapps/
Currently not working on Ubuntu 14.04+. Remember, this only work in Ubuntu with Firefox or Chromium. Webapps doesn't work with Google Chrome or Opera yet.
This is the source code to compile in .deb file and install in Ubuntu
- 1.0 - Basic webapp integration (Dashboard search, launcher icon and alt+tab)
- Clone thie repository (or download .zip file);
- Open terminal and browse to that folder;
- Build the package with dpkg-buildpackage;
- Install the .deb file
Step by Step Install:
- Open Terminal (Ctrl+Alt+T is the default keyboard hotkey)
- Select and go to one directory (cd /home/[user]/)
- Download the source from Github (git clone https://github.com/eudennis/unity-webapps-evernote.git)
- Open the source folder (cd unity-webapps-evernote)
- You need to install some packages to build it (sudo apt-get install build-essential autoconf automake autotools-dev dh-make debhelper devscripts fakeroot xutils lintian pbuilder)
- Build it (dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot)
- Now install the .deb file. Back one directory up and use dpkg -i unity-webapps-evernote_0.1_all.deb to install it.
- Once installed, it's done. You should see an popup notify the first time that you open the Evernote website