Crane is an ORM for Common Lisp, providing a simple bridge between CLOS and relational databases, and out of the box migrations.
(deftable user ()
(name :type text :uniquep t)
(age :type integer :nullp nil :initform 18)
(friend :type integer :foreign user)))
The foreign argument accepts a symbol that represents another table or a sexp of the form (table &key on-delete on-update))
, where acceptable values are :no-action :restrict :cascade :set-null :set-default
(deftable user ()
(name :type text :uniquep t :nullp nil)
(age :type integer :nullp t :initform 18)
(description :type text))
Just make the changes, and Crane will compute the diffs and perform all the
s for you.
(asdf:system-relative-pathname :myapp #p"migrations/")
(:type :postgres
:name "myapp_db"
:user "user"
:pass "user")))
For configuration management and switching databases in development/production environments, you might want to use Envy.
(let ((instance (create 'ship :name "Dalliance"
:tonnage 77)))
;; FIXME: It's back luck to rename a ship
(setf (name instance) "Serenity")
;; Expand the cargo hold
(incf (tonnage instance) 25)
;; Save these changes!
(save instance)
;; Time to retire
(del instance))
(filter 'user) ;; Returns everything
(filter 'user :name "Eudoxia")
(filter 'user (:> :age 21))
;; Returns a single object
(single 'user :name "Eudoxia")
;; Throws an error if this returns more
;; than one object
(single! 'user (:< age 35))
;; t if a match exists, nil otherwise
(exists 'user :name "Eudoxia")
;; If this record doesn't exist create it
(get-or-create 'user :name "Eudoxia" :age 19)
;;;; Automatic
(with-transaction ()
(let ((restaurants (filter 'restaurant ...)))
(loop for restaurant in restaurants do
(save restaurant))))
;;;; Manual
(let ((restaurants (filter 'restaurant ...)))
(loop for restaurant in restaurants do
(save restaurant)))
;;;; initial-data.lisp
(:name "eudoxia"
:groups (:admin :staff))
(:name "joe"
:groups (:admin)))
(:name "Initech"
:city "Denver"))
;;;; myapp.asd
(asdf:defsystem myapp
:defsystem-depends-on (:clos-fixtures)
:components ((:module "src"
((:fixture "initial-data")))))
(definflate (stamp 'timestamp)
;; Inflate a timestamp value
;; into a timestamp object
(local-time:universal-to-timestamp stamp))
(defdeflate (stamp local-time:timestamp)
;; Deflate a timestamp object
;; into a string
(local-time:format-timestring nil stamp))
I'm in the process of moving the documentation to Codex, so for now you can check it out in the website.
Copyright (c) 2013 Fernando Borretti (
Released under the MIT license.