Parsimony is a parser combinator library for Standard ML.
It features:
- Pluggable inputs.
- Source location tracking.
- Extensive example code.
In lieu of a 'Hello, World!' example, here is an example of using Parsimony in an interactive SML/NJ session (output elided/edited as needed):
> sml -m
- structure ps = Parsimony(ParsimonyStringInput);
structure ps : PARSIMONY
- fun str s = ParsimonyStringInput.fromString s;
val str = fn : string -> ParsimonyStringInput.input
- (ps.pchar #"a") (str "abc");
val it = Success (#"a",-) : (char * ps.input) ps.result
- (ps.or (ps.pchar #"b") (ps.pchar #"a")) (str "abc");
val it = Success (#"a",-) : (char * ps.input) ps.result
- val digitParser = ps.anyOf [#"0", #"1", #"2", #"3", #"4", #"5", #"6", #"7", #"8", #"9"];
val digitParser = Parser fn : char ps.parser
- digitParser (str "123");
val it = Success (#"1",-) : (char * ps.input) ps.result
Run make examples
to load these into an interactive SML/NJ session.
structure ps = Parsimony(ParsimonyStringInput)
val digitParser = ps.anyOf [#"0", #"1", #"2", #"3", #"4", #"5", #"6", #"7", #"8", #"9"]
fun parseInt str = case (Int.fromString str) of
SOME i => i
| NONE => raise Match
val naturalParser = ps.pmap (parseInt o String.implode) (ps.many1 digitParser) naturalParser (ParsimonyStringInput.fromString "123")
(* val it = Success (123,-) *)
Continuing from the previous example:
datatype sign = Positive | Negative
val signParser = let val posParser = ps.seqR (ps.opt (ps.pchar #"+")) (ps.preturn Positive)
val negParser = ps.seqR (ps.pchar #"-") (ps.preturn Negative)
ps.or negParser posParser
fun applySign (Positive, int) = int
| applySign (Negative, int) = ~int
val integerParser = ps.pmap applySign (ps.seq signParser naturalParser) integerParser (ParsimonyStringInput.fromString "-123")
(* val it = Success (~123,-) *)
structure ps = Parsimony(ParsimonyStringInput)
val stringChar = ps.or (ps.seqR (ps.pchar #"\\") (ps.pchar #"\"")) (ps.noneOf [#"\""])
val quotedString = ps.pmap String.implode (ps.between (ps.pchar #"\"") (ps.many stringChar) (ps.pchar #"\"")) quotedString (ParsimonyStringInput.fromString "\"test\"")
(* val it = Success ("test",-) *) quotedString (ParsimonyStringInput.fromString "\"test \\\"inner\\\" test\"")
(* val it = Success ("test \"inner\" test",-) *)
signature PARSIMONY_INPUT = sig
type pos
val posLine : pos -> int
val posCol : pos -> int
type input
val inputHead : input -> char option
val inputRest : input -> input
val inputPos : input -> pos
val fromString : string -> input
Values of this type represent a position in the input.
Given a position, return its line number. Lines are counted starting at 1.
Given a position, return its column number. Columns are counted starting at 1.
Values of this type represent an input stream with position tracking.
Return the first character of the input, or NONE
if the input is empty.
Return a new input that contains the all but the current head character.
Return the current position in the input.
Given a string, return an input
The ParsimonyStringInput
structure implements the PARSIMONY_INPUT
for string input streams.
signature PARSIMONY = sig
type parser_name
type pos
datatype 'a result = Success of 'a
| Failure of parser_name * pos * string
type 'a parser
type input
val run : 'a parser -> input -> ('a * input) result
val explain : 'a result -> string
val preturn : 'a -> 'a parser
val pmap : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a parser -> 'b parser
val pmap2 : ('a -> 'b -> 'c) -> 'a parser -> 'b parser -> 'c parser
val pfail : 'a parser
val pchar : char -> char parser
val seq : 'a parser -> 'b parser -> ('a * 'b) parser
val or : 'a parser -> 'a parser -> 'a parser
val choice : 'a parser list -> 'a parser
val satisfy : (char -> bool) -> char parser
val anyOf : char list -> char parser
val noneOf : char list -> char parser
val anyOfString : string -> char parser
val noneOfString : string -> char parser
val opt : 'a parser -> 'a option parser
val optV : 'a parser -> 'a -> 'a parser
val plist : 'a parser list -> 'a list parser
val pstring : string -> string parser
val many : 'a parser -> 'a list parser
val many1 : 'a parser -> 'a list parser
val wrapper : unit -> ('a parser * 'a parser ref)
val seqL : 'a parser -> 'b parser -> 'a parser
val seqR : 'a parser -> 'b parser -> 'b parser
val between : 'a parser -> 'b parser -> 'c parser -> 'b parser
Given a parser and an input stream, run the parser on it and return a result.
Given a result value, return a human-readable string explaining it. In the case
of a Failure
result, this prints an appropriate error message with position
information. Useful for error reporting.
A parser that always fails.
Given a character, returns a parser for that specific character.
Given two parsers, returns a parser that parsers them in sequence, and returns their results as a pair.
Given two parsers, returns a parser which tries to run the first, and returns its value if successful. Otherwise, it runs the second parser.
Given a list of parsers, returns a parser which runs each parser from the list from left to right until one succeeds, returning its result.
Return a parser that matches any character in the list.
Like anyOf
, but a string is used instead of a list of characters for brevity.
Try to run the given parser, if it succeds, return SOME x
, otherwise, return
Like opt
, but instead of using an option
value, you provide a default value
to use in the failure case.
Like seq
, but only returns the result of the first parser.
Like seq
, but only returns the result of the second parser.
Given three parsers, it parses them all in sequence, but returns the value in the middle. Useful, for instance, to parse a value wrapped in parentheses.
The Parsimony
functor takes a structure implementing the PARSIMONY_INPUT
signature and returns a structure containing Parsimony's parsers specialized for
the input structure.
val p = Parsimony(ParsimonyStringInput)
Copyright (c) 2018 Fernando Borretti
Licensed under the MIT License.