
Download files from Common Lisp through Drakma.

Primary LanguageCommon Lisp


Build Status Coverage Status Quicklisp

trivial-download allows you to download files from the Internet from Common Lisp. It even provides a progress bar.


cl-user> (download "http://www.google.com/robots.txt" "/tmp/robots.txt")
Downloading "http://www.google.com/robots.txt" (Unknown size)
cl-user> (download "https://github.com/favicon.ico" "/tmp/favicon.ico")
Downloading "https://github.com/favicon.ico" (6.518 kB)


You probably want the download function, which downloads files from the network to the local disk. If you want more control over that -- like, say, writing the downloaded bytes to a database instead -- you want the with-download macro.

trivial-download downloads everything in chunks that are *chunk-size* bytes long. *chunk-size*, by default, is 256.

  • [Function] download (url output)

Downloads the content of url and writes it to output. The file is written as it is downloaded, chunk-by-chunk, not downloaded into memory and written at once.

  • [Macro] with-download (url (file-size total-bytes-read array stream) &rest body)

Downloads the contents of url, executing body in every chunk.

The extra arguments are:

  • stream: A flexi-io-stream bivalent stream.
  • file-size: The size, in bytes, of the file to download.
  • bytes-read: The number of bytes read.
  • array: As every chunk is downloaded, its contents are written to array.


(with-download "https://github.com/favicon.ico"
  ;; Do something
  • [Macro] with-download-progress (url (file-size total-bytes-read array stream) &rest body)

The same as with-download, only this prints progress information while downloading.


Copyright (c) 2014-2015 Fernando Borretti (eudoxiahp@gmail.com)

Licensed under the MIT License.