Mock 'http' objects for testing Express,js, Next.js and Koa routing functions
- 2
No way to get data written to response
#304 opened by yepitschunked - 7
Query string parsing is potentially misleading
#299 opened by alxndrsn - 4
Deprecate `lib/express`
#292 opened by eugef - 4
Not compatible with the Next.js "app" router
#295 opened by scottned - 3
The `sendFile` property is missing
#301 opened by ChrisMBarr - 4
'links' function not defined
#294 opened by mocotrah - 5
how to create error response?
#297 opened by vejandla - 2
Question: How to mock an request error?
#296 opened by mlshohet - 12
- 1
@types/express should be a non-dev dependency
#289 opened by jfirebaugh - 2
- 1
subdomains property in the request not supported
#283 opened by itayzemah - 4
Unexpected end of JSON input with async express router
#285 opened by cfalch - 2
- 4
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Provide decorator for stream consumer through pipe
#276 opened by tzkmx - 5
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Response does not throw an error when sending twice
#262 opened by siavol - 1
Tests started to fail when using node 16 to run then and works when use node 14
#273 opened by Kononenkomg - 1
Timeouts when using with formidable
#272 opened by cjduncana - 7
- 5
@types/express 3.17.15 -> Request/Response mismatch
#266 opened by Hourglasser23 - 2
Setup Travis CI
#261 opened by eugef - 9
Testing Next.js, can't get _getJSONData()
#255 opened by benbagley - 1
Make a release for last merged PR
#260 opened by B3none - 15
Parameters mismatch Typescript definitions
#245 opened by DaveStein - 1
Response "close" event is not emitted
#253 opened by jakeorr - 5
Why is baseUrl non-empty?
#252 opened by smalllong - 1
version 1.11.0 not available on NPM
#251 opened by kaplanlior - 1
Please tag 1.10.1
#250 opened by kaplanlior - 7
`res.send()` doesn't convert to string
#239 opened by quoininc-huudatran - 4
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- 3
request.getHeader() missing?
#240 opened by rhazegh - 1
TypeError: Cannot read property 'pipesCount' of undefined and TypeError: req.resume is not a function
#232 opened by 6XGate - 1
req.hostname doesn't reflect real hostname
#230 opened by jereaameli - 5
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Mock writeHead doesn't return response
#228 opened by herobank110 - 2
@types/express as direct dependency?
#226 opened by toomuchdesign - 1
Fix lint to allow modern ES syntax
#220 opened by eugef - 3
response missing getHeaders api
#211 opened by feifeipan - 1
What is an object hash?
#214 opened by afrancht - 1
Session type
#212 opened by sixnames - 1
Dealing with writeHeader
#210 opened by joetidee - 1
support response.writableEnded
#215 opened by taozhi8833998 - 2
[DEP0005] DeprecationWarning: Buffer() is deprecated
#204 opened by vad3x - 2
`res.hasHeader()` not defined
#207 opened by gabssnake - 1
Functions _isUTF8 and _isJSON should consider the presence of text charset=... in the header
#202 opened by triadium - 1
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mockResponse.writeHead do not return instance as ServerResponse.writeHead do
#201 opened by leosuncin