Terraform in YC
Install yandex cloud CLI:
curl https://storage.yandexcloud.net/yandexcloud-yc/install.sh | bash
Initialize cloud:
yc init
Assuming that you've created a directory already. If not, do this.
Create service account:
yc iam service-account create --name $SVC_ACCT --folder-id $FOLDER_ID
Assign role:
ACCT_ID=$(yc iam service-account get "berendyaev-terraform" | \
grep ^id | \
awk '{print $2}')
yc resource-manager folder add-access-binding --id $FOLDER_ID \
--role editor \
--service-account-id $ACCT_ID
Create IAM token:
mkdir ~/.yandex
yc iam key create --service-account-id $ACCT_ID --output ~/.yandex/key.json
Change current directory to ./terraform
cd ./terraform
Run Terraform initialization
terraform init
Create your own tvfars file
cp terraform.tfvars.example terraform.tfvars
Set your own cloud/folder ID in that file. You can get these ID with yc config list
. Don't forget to generate SSH keys.
Apply infra.
terraform plan
# If no error present run:
terraform apply
Terraform ouputs public IP address of the instance. Use it to ssh to the host:
ssh -i ~/.ssh/<username> <username>@<ip address>
Ensure that hostname has been changed according to the hostname
argument in the instance resource.
Do not forget to destroy everything:
terraform destroy -auto-approve
Docker-machine in YC
Install go
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:longsleep/golang-backports
sudo apt update
sudo apt install golang-go
Install docker-machine plugin
go get -u github.com/yandex-cloud/docker-machine-driver-yandex
The plugin has been installed in $HOME/go/bin
. Make sure this path is in your PATH
environment variable.
Set your YC folder ID and SA key path (see Terraform section):
Create Docker host
docker-machine create \
--driver yandex \
--yandex-image-family "ubuntu-1804-lts" \
--yandex-platform-id "standard-v1" \
--yandex-folder-id $FOLDER_ID \
--yandex-sa-key-file $SA_KEY_PATH \
Connect to docker-host docker engine:
eval $(docker-machine env docker-host)
Run docker run hello-world
to make sure that everything is working fine.
Packer in YC
Run cd packer
Run cp variables.json.example variables.json
and put your own variable values
To validate template, run:
packer validate -var-file=variables.json ubuntu16.json
To build image, run:
packer build -var-file=variables.json ubuntu16.json
To build VM from image, run:
cd validate-image
cp terraform.tfvars.example terraform.tfvars
# Populate terraform.tfvars with your own values
terraform plan
terraform apply