
MQBoilerplateSwift is a Swift framework containing all the code that I keep reusing across my iOS app projects.


Currently, MQBoilerplateSwift can only be added to a project via git submodule.

  • In the Terminal, go to your Xcode project's folder, and then to wherever you want to clone the submodule: cd path/to/project/Submodules
  • Type git submodule add
  • Open your app's Xcode project.
  • In Xcode, expand to the folder where you cloned MQBoilerplateSwift.
  • In the top-level MQBoilerplateSwift folder, keep only the .xcodeproj and remove references to the following files, but DO NOT move them to the Trash:
    • .gitignore
    • MQBoilerplateSwift (folder)
    • MQBoilerplateSwiftTests (folder)
  • In the project target's Build Phases > Target Dependencies, click on the plus sign and add MQBoilerplateSwift.framework.
  • In the project target's General tab, scroll to Embedded Binaries, click on the plus sign, and add MQBoilerplateSwift.framework

Cloning a project with MQBoilerplateSwift

  • git clone the project repo and go (cd) to its folder.
  • Run git submodule update --init --recursive to download the files from the MQBoilerplateSwift submodule.


If you are cloning a project that I built with MQBoilerplateSwift, make sure that your local copy of the framework is the correct version.

To find out what version of MQBoilerplateSwift you should use, go to the app's file. Then, git checkout the specified tag.

$ cd MQBoilerplateSwift
$ git fetch --tags
$ git checkout tags/VERSION_NUMBER

Checking out branches without MQBoilerplateSwift

If you git checkout to another branch that does not have MQBoilerplateSwift in it and run git status on that branch, you may see git complain that the PROJECT_NAME/Libraries/MQBoilerplateSwift folder is untracked (??). Simply delete the MQBoilerplateSwift folder to make git shut up.

See: Issues with Submodules
