Crash course for Java Backend Developers to Full-stack Developers. 32 hrs / 4 days
- Java Backend Developer experience up to 3 yrs.
- RAM ≥ 8Гб
- Wi-Fi with Internet access
- :443 :80
- Schedule
- Trainer
- Training overview
- Rules
- Pairs forming and introduction
- Attendees prerequisites check
- Topics focus demand from attendees
- Additional topics demand form attendees
- Node.js goals
- Node.js architecture
- Node.js limitations
- "Hello World" with JavaScript and Node.js
- Emdedding ES into HTML page
- Browser DOM as target OS API
- Browser events
- DOM manipulations
- Style manipulations
- "Hello World" with ES and browser
- Fork training repo and clone this fork
git clone --branch master --depth 1
- Open project with IDEA
- Application architecture overview
- Application full build and run demo
- Why SPAs?
- Limitations
- Core HTML
- DOM overview
- HTML containers
- SPA architecture
- CORS technology
- Why React?
- React components overview
- React Virtual DOM architecture
- React Router
- HTML and CSS assets
- Team change application screens background color
- Team understand SPA layout architecture
- NPM as Maven
- NPM dependencies management
- NPM build cycle
- Main build goals
- TS to JS transpiling issues
- Stand-alone packaging
- Packaging with back-end application
- SASS overview
- SASS builders
- Bootstrap intro
- DB WebADK standard components lib
- TSLint as Java static code analysis tools
- Running tslint within build
- Debugging web app with Chrome
- TS debugging with IDEA
- Browser hot reloading
- Backend stubs
- Namespaces
- Modules system
- Classes
- Properties
- Inheritance
- Interfaces
- Generics
- Basic and complex types
- Instance/Object
- Functions
- Arguments
- Arrow functions
- Local variables and scope
- Exceptions
- Introduction
- Boolean
- Number
- String
- Array
- Tuple
- Enum
- Any
- Void
- Null and Undefined
- Never
- Object
- Intersection Types
- Union Types
- Type Guards and Differentiating Types
- Nullable types
- Type Aliases
- String Literal Types
- Numeric Literal Types
- Enum Member Types
- Discriminated Unions
- Polymorphic this types
- Index types
- Mapped types
- Conditional Types
- Decorator
- Factory
- Add React Router dependency
- Implement routes
- React Component
- Props and Types
- Cross-component communication
- Functional/stateless components
- Class/stateful components
- Implementing higher-order components
- React Hooks
- TS parallelism model
- Promices
- async/await
- WebSockets and how it works
- Blocking / non-blocking interactions over WS
- typescript-http-client
- typed-rest-client
- axios
- Type safety
- API overview
- Errors handling
- Functional design
- Redux architecture
- Provider
- Store
- Action Creator
- Reducer
- Action Type
- Selector
- Saga architecture
- Helper
- Effect
- Generator
- Dispath
- Error
- Structure
- Test Data
- Scope
- Test Doublers
- Knowledge got from training
- Skills got from training
- Artifacts got from training
- Team retro
- Objectives fullfiled, burndown
- Insightes
- 𝚫+
- Stated next actions