
experiments with d3.js and SVG in JavaScript

Primary LanguageJavaScript


To get your chart published on the d3.chart website there are only two requirements:

  • You must name your repo in the following format: d3.chart.*. For example: d3.chart.barchart or d3.chart.my-epic-chart.
  • You must have a package.json in your repo that declares the version of d3.chart that your chart utilizes like so:
  "d3.chart": {
    "version" : "0.0.1"

Template Structure

This template comes with a few helpful files:

  • A Gruntfile.js containing code linting, watching & building tasks that may be useful during development and release.
  • A package.json file containing some basic placeholder info that you can replace with your chart's details.
  • An example folder which might be useful to try out your chart while you develop and to release alongside your chart for others to see how your chart can be utilized.

Using Grunt

  1. You will need to use grunt > 0.4 to build your chart distribution files.
  2. Run npm install to obtain the appropriate grunt tasks. Do not check in the node_modules folder - it is listed in the .gitignore file.

Some useful grunt commands:

  • grunt watch will watch for file changes and run the js files through linting to check for syntax errors and warnings.
  • grunt will build your chart into a single file if you've split them up.

Suggested Guidelines:

  • Please maintain your package.json with the appropriate versioning and dependencies.

  • Please consider licensing your charts under the MIT Expat license or any other BSD-style license.

  • Please try to document your code & API

  • Please provide some example usage for your chart, either in the examples folder or in this readme.

  • Consider defining what API your chart exposes - this includes

    • getters/setters and any other methods that are available on the chart instance.
    • any events that the chart broadcasts alongside the arguments that will be passed to the callbacks.

Thank you for using d3.chart!

  • The Miso Project Team.

Readme Template:

Chart name...

Chart description...

Sample Use

Please provide sample use of your chart here.


Sample API Documentation:



Allows the highlighting of a specific value


  • value - The value to highlight.



var chart = d3.select("#vis")


Sample Event Documentation:



Broadcast when a circle on the chart is being mousedover


  • value - The value corresponding to the circle being mousedover.



var chart = d3.select("#vis")

chart.on("brush", function(value) {
  // handle event...