Boilerplate HTTP Server for Synopse mORMot Framework

Primary LanguageCMIT LicenseMIT



Boilerplate HTTP Server for Synopse mORMot Framework

This project is embedding of HTML5 Boilerplate assets and settings into Synopse mORMot Framework:

  • html5boilerplate.com
    HTML5 Boilerplate is a professional front-end template for building fast, robust, and adaptable web apps or sites. It's the product of over 10 years of iterative development and community knowledge. It does not impose a specific development philosophy or framework, so you're free to architect your code in the way that you want. Kick-start your project with the combined knowledge and effort of 100s of developers, all in one little package.
  • synopse.info
    Synopse mORMot is an Open Source Client-Server ORM SOA MVC framework for Delphi and FPC, targeting Windows/Linux for servers, and any platform for clients (including mobile or AJAX).

Quick Start

  1. Download the latest mORMotBP release from the GitHub repository
  2. Add mORMotBP directory to your IDE library path
  3. Add the next two Pre-Build events to create resource file Assets.res with all h5bp resources embedded:
  • "..\Tools\assetslz" "$(PROJECTDIR)\Assets" "$(PROJECTDIR)\Assets.tmp"
  • "..\Tools\resedit" -D "$(PROJECTDIR)\Assets.res" rcdata ASSETS "$(PROJECTDIR)\Assets.tmp"

Replace "..\Tools" to mORMorBP relative or full directory location.

  1. Replace TSQLHttpServer instance creation with TBoilerplateHTTPServer
  2. Load assets to server instance by calling YourHTTPServerInstance.LoadFromResource('Assets');


  • Fully aligned with HTML5 Boilerplate HTTP configs with more than 50+ options and properties.
  • Designed for Delphi 6 up to Delphi 10.4.1 Sydney, Kylix 3 (over CrossKylix), and FPC, targeting Windows or Linux, 32-bit or 64-bit architectures.
  • Embed all static assets into application file as highly compressed synlz archive (see assetslz and resedit tools). This allows to build single file distribution.
  • Save your cloud hosting Disk IO operations by return all static assets from mem-cached repository.
  • Don't spend CPU cycles to assets compression, all your assets will be pre-compressed by the assetslz tool.
  • Support GZip Level 9 maximum compression.
  • Support Zopfli compression (save up to 5-15% of traffic and delivery time compared to max GZip compression).
  • Support Brotli compression as per RFC 7932 (save another 15%-25% of traffic and delivery time compared to Zopfli compression).
  • Support Dynamic Brotli compression (save about ~25% CPU usage on 64-bit systems and ~10% less delivery time and traffic utilization).
  • Ability to delegate compressed files transferring to low-level HTTP.sys high-performance library (see .StaticRoot property) and free your server threads for more interesting work.
  • Support ETag/Last-Modified or more user-friendly Last-Modified/If-Modified-Since cache strategies.
  • Server-side Expires or Cache-Control: max-age cache strategies.
  • Different cache busting strategies (see bpoEnableCacheBusting and bpoEnableCacheBustingBeforeExt options).
  • Fix well-known mangled Accept-Encoding values in HTTP headers.
  • Block access to files that can expose sensitive information (see bpoDelegateHidden and bpoDelegateBlocked options).
  • Apply many HTTP headers corrections following HTML5 Boilerplate settings.
  • Support Content Security Policy Level 2 / Level 3 (see CSP.pas unit for details).
  • Support 1490 MIME Types file extensions combined from IANA, Apache, and Mozilla.
  • Support external computable Assets and URL requests with content/file transfers and redirects (see .OnGetAsset event)
  • You can safely replace anywhere your TSQLHttpServer with
TBoilerplateHTTPServer = class(TSQLHttpServer)

Lazarus Free Pascal support

To build or update Assets.res file under Lazarus IDE use the next menu (when project file is opened):

Run / Build File

This menu command call pre-build.sh or pre-build.bat script which is use assetslz32/assetslz64 and resedit32/resedit64 tools to compress and embed assets under Linux/Windows environment.

Add the next FPC Lazarus IDE directive to any project file for ability to rebuild resource files:

  {%BuildCommand pre-build.sh $ProjPath()}
  {%BuildCommand pre-build.bat "$ProjPath()"}

Delphi 6/7/2005/2006 support

Many thanks to Kiran Kurapaty with his BuildOptions package for Delphi 5 and Delphi 7. Based on his code the modified IDE packages for Delphi 5/6/7/2005/2006 were created to enable Build Events support on all Delphi IDE versions before Delphi 2007, where Build Events were introduced for the first time.

Use Component / Install Packages / Add IDE menu to install Build Events IDE extension:

  • Tools\BuildEvents\BuildEventsD5.bpl for Delphi 5
  • Tools\BuildEvents\BuildEventsD6.bpl for Delphi 6
  • Tools\BuildEvents\BuildEventsD7.bpl for Delphi 7
  • Tools\BuildEvents\BuildEventsD2005.bpl for Delphi 2005
  • Tools\BuildEvents\BuildEventsD2006.bpl for Delphi 2006

With this build events and special .bat file you can emulate DEBUG and RELEASE configurations. Please see the Build Events readme for details.

Recommended DEBUG configuration

Due to 80 times slower compression nature of Zopfli algorithm it is not reasonable to use it during development and debug. So for all debug configurations you can use fast and light level 1 compression with -GZ1 -B1 options of assetslz tool:

  • "..\Tools\assetslz" -GZ1 -B1 "$(PROJECTDIR)\Assets" "$(PROJECTDIR)\Assets.tmp"
  • "..\Tools\resedit" -D "$(PROJECTDIR)\Assets.res" rcdata ASSETS "$(PROJECTDIR)\Assets.tmp"

Recommended RELEASE configuration

For release configuration it is recommended to turn on bpoForceHTTPS, and set .StrictSSL property to strictSSLOn or even strictSSLIncludeSubDomains. Setup .ContentSecurityPolicy property and validate it with Security Headers service (see CSP.pas unit for details).

Disable Server HTTP header on production

For security reasons you can fully disable Server and X-Powered-By HTTP Headers on production. To do this add NOXPOWEREDNAME define to Project / Options / Conditional defines and rebuild all.

If you use HTTP.sys API on Windows Server add or modify the next registry key to disable Server HTTP header embedding (admin rights required):

Section: SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\HTTP\Parameters

Key: DisableServerHeader: DWORD = 2

Enable dynamic Brotli compression

Unfortunatelly default mORMot HTTP Server always use first registered compression in case when several compression options are available. To enable Brotli support for on-the-fly generated (HTML, JSON, XML, etc.) content do the next:

Turn off the default DEFLATE compression in mORMotHttpServer.pas unit (line 76):





Then register HTTP Server compressions in Brotli, GZip order:



External, dynamic, computable Assets usage and custom redirects

You can provide your own computable Assets and redirects. This is usefull for:

  • Dynamically compute content
  • Return custom redirects for any requests, which open you an ability of projects migrations, A/B testing, synthetic/deprecated links support, etc.
  • Precache rare-updated dynamic content and compress it with GZip, Zopfli, or Brotli.
  • Transferring of any stored files to clients.
  • Custom dynamic /404.html content service.

Use BoilerplateHTTPServer.OnGetAsset event handler and ensure that modifiable resources are handled with multi-thread support. All external assets support ETag, Last-Modified cache strategies based on the provided Timestamp property and can be statically upload to storage (for example to delegate content tranfer to low level http API). The same method can be used to return custom redirections for specific URL paths.

Advanced TAssets usage

You can embed any directories or files into your single project executable file. This gives you an ability to distribute, scale and run only one file on yours production environments. Load from resource and deploy any assets on your production when it started. TAssets also checks files for modification timestamp and size changes before save to optimize disk IO operations.

For example you can compress and pack all you static assets into Assets.res and additionally pack mustache view templates into separate Views.res like this:

  • "..\Tools\assetslz" "$(PROJECTDIR)\Assets" "$(PROJECTDIR)\Assets.tmp"
  • "..\Tools\resedit" -D "$(PROJECTDIR)\Assets.res" rcdata ASSETS "$(PROJECTDIR)\Assets.tmp"
  • "..\Tools\assetslz" -E "$(PROJECTDIR)\Views" "$(PROJECTDIR)\Views.tmp"
  • "..\Tools\resedit" -D "$(PROJECTDIR)\Views.res" rcdata VIEWS "$(PROJECTDIR)\Views.tmp"

The -E option for views means skip any compression because we needn't to compress mustache views. Now you can embed both resources files into executable. Add the next lines to you project file near {$R *.res} or add both files to project:

{$R Assets.res}
{$R Views.res}

Then on production, you can extract views from executable like this:

procedure SaveViews;
  Assets: TAssets;

Custom options

With RegisterCustomOptions method you can tweak different options for different HTTP URL paths. For example, you can disable cache usage for you API JSON calls or some special pages like this:

    ['/api/json', '/login', '/settings*'],
    HTTPServer.Options - [bpoSetCachePublic] + [bpoSetCachePrivate,
      bpoSetCacheNoCache, bpoSetCacheNoStore, bpoSetCacheMustRevalidate]);

Test Suite

The TBoilerplateHTTPServer is fully test covered with mORMot Test Suite framework. Instead of classical TDD approach the Behavior-Driven Development (BDD) scenarios are used. Please see Tests\BoilerplateTests.pas for details.

Change Log

This project adheres to Semantic Versioning. Every release, along with the migration instructions, is documented on the GitHub Releases page.


The code is available under the MIT license.


Feel free to contact me at @gmail.com: eugene.ilyin