
[Abandoned] Native editor for Urho3D

Primary LanguageC++

Urho3D Editor

Native Qt-based editor library for Urho3D and related projects.

Work in progress.


Do What The Fuck You Want To

TODO: Update license to something like MIT


Required libraries

  1. Qt 5.7.1 or later;

  2. Latest revision of Urho3D master branch or fork with relevant commits.

    TODO: This branch is actually required now

    TODO: Bind Editor to release version


  1. Set URHO3D_HOME;

  2. Add path to Qt (e.g. C:/Qt/Qt5.7.1/5.7/msvc2015) to CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH;

  3. Generate and build root CMake project.

  4. Ensure that Qt5Core, Qt5Widgets and Qt5Xml debug and release libraries are successfully located.

    E.g. add path to Qt binaries (e.g. C:/Qt/Qt5.7.1/5.7/msvc2015/bin) to PATH or copy binaries manually.

    TODO: Use windeployqt

Using Editor as external library

  1. Create typical application that is linked against Urho3D, check Urho3D Wiki for example.

  2. Set CMake policy CMP0020 to OLD:

    cmake_policy (SET CMP0020 OLD)

  3. Add CMake project of Editor library located in Source/Urho3DEditor:

    add_subdirectory (path/to/Urho3D-Editor/Source/Urho3DEditor)

    Note that add_subdirectory could work not only with subdirectories.

  4. find_package (Qt5Core)

    Just do it.

  5. Link to Editor resources:

    qt5_add_resources(${SOURCE_FILES} path/to/Urho3D-Editor/Resources/QDarkStyle/QDarkStyle.qrc path/to/Urho3D-Editor/Resources/Editor/Editor.qrc)

  6. Optionally link to some other resources.

Example of resulting CMakeLists.txt is the root CMake project.