
Efficient Scaling of Neurons for Resource-Constrained Deep Neural Networks

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

License CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 Python 3.6

NeuralScale: Efficient Scaling of Neurons for Resource-Constrained Deep Neural Networks

This repository is the original implementation and contains required scripts to reproduce results from our paper NeuralScale: Efficient Scaling of Neurons for Resource-Constrained Deep Neural Networks that has been accepted to CVPR 2020 (oral).
Authors: Eugene Lee and Chen-Yi Lee


Clone this repo.

git clone https://github.com/eugenelet/NeuralScale.git
cd NeuralScale/

All experiments are run on a single NVIDIA GTX1080Ti GPU.

The code was tested with python3.6 the following software versions:

Software version
cuDNN v7500
Pytorch 1.0.1.post2
CUDA v10.0


Dataset preparation

Data for CIFAR10 and CIFAR100 will be automatically downloaded upon the execution of scripts that require it.

Examples that runs on TinyImageNet requires a manual download from here.

Prepare dataset by running the script below: (source)

unzip tiny-imagenet-200.zip
rm -r ./tiny-imagenet-200/test
python3 val_format.py

Edit directory locations in val_format.py in accordance on where TinyImageNet is stored in your system.


Models with their accompanied datasets to run:

Models Dataset
ResNet18 CIFAR10, CIFAR100, TinyImageNet
MobileNetV2 CIFAR10, CIFAR100, TinyImageNet

All examples below are based on VGG11 using CIFAR100 and MobileNetV2 using TinyImageNet respectively.

Empirical Simulation for NeuralScale

Architecture Descent

To search for configuration using architecture descent, run

python3 architecture_descent.py --model vgg --dataset CIFAR100 --save filename
python3 imagenet_architecture_descent.py --model mobilenetv2 --dataset tinyimagenet --save filename

To prune (using Taylor-FO) until 50% of total filters are remaining, run (for comparison with MorphNet)

python3 architecture_descent.py --model vgg --dataset CIFAR100 --save filename --morph
python3 imagenet_architecture_descent.py --model mobilenetv2 --dataset tinyimagenet --save filename --morph

Train From Scratch

To train from scratch using the searched configurations using different scaling ratios, run

python3 ratio_swipe.py --model vgg --dataset CIFAR100 --prune_fname filename --save save_filename_0
python3 imagenet_ratio_swipe.py --model mobilenetv2 --dataset tinyimagenet --prune_fname filename --save save_filename_0

Note that the number at the end (save_filename_X) is helpful for obtaining the mean across several simulations. In our experiments X ranges from 0 to 4.

To train a model with configuration found using MorphNet that uses Taylor-FO as a pruning method, run

python3 ratio_swipe.py --model vgg --dataset CIFAR100 --morph --save save_filename_0
python3 imagenet_ratio_swipe.py --model mobilenetv2 --dataset tinyimagenet --morph --save save_filename_0

If a new configuration is found, changes has to be done manually by editing the file ratio_swipe.py or imagenet_ratio_swipe.py. Overwrite the configuration found right after the variable pruned_filters for the corresponding Model-Dataset pair.

Plot Results

To plot trained results, run

python3 plot_ratio.py --model vgg --dataset CIFAR100

Before running, edit the filename in accordance to the filename you saved. It's advisable to run for 5 independent simulations to get a fair comparison. Simulations based on other scaling methods are stored in this repository in the directory saved_plots/model_name where model_name can be vgg, resnet18 or mobilenetv2 depending on the desired model. Using VGG11 on CIFAR100 as an example, the plots are stored as follows (default):

Scaling Method Filename
Uniform Scaling (Baseline) ./saved_plots/resnet18/vgg_uni_c100_[0~4]
Pruning based on weight magnitude ./saved_plots/resnet18/vgg_norm_c100_[0~4]
MorphNet (Taylor-FO) ./saved_plots/resnet18/vgg_pruned_c100_[0~4]
NeuralScale (Iteration = 1) ./saved_plots/resnet18/vgg_10_eff_c100_early_[0~4]
NeuralScale (Iteration = 15) ./saved_plots/resnet18/vgg_10_eff_c100_late_[0~4]

Below are accuracies obtained using different methods:

MobileNetV2-CIFAR100 MobileNetV2-TinyImageNet
ResNet18-CIFAR100 ResNet18-TinyImageNet

To show results that compare with the usage of convolutional shortcut instead of identity shortcut found in the supplementary section, run

python3 plot_ratio_warmup.py --model mobilenetv2 --dataset CIFAR100

Simulations for Magnitude Pruning

Pruning based on weight magnitude is prepared by first running

python3 train_norm.py --model vgg --dataset CIFAR100 --save vgg_standard_c100

and is proceeded with

python3 fine_tune.py --model vgg --dataset CIFAR100 --prune_fname vgg_standard_c100 --save vgg_norm_c100_0

Results obtained via fine-tuning can be listed by running

python3 plot_ratio_finetune.py --model vgg --dataset CIFAR100

Plotting Results for Different Warm-up Epochs

Empirical results on using different warm-up epochs before pruning can be plotted using (for MobileNetV2 on CIFAR100)

python3 plot_ratio_warmup.py --model mobilenetv2 --dataset CIFAR100

Plotting Results of Architecture Descent

To show configuration obtained using architecture descent, run

python3 list_architecture.py --model vgg --dataset CIFAR100 --prune_fname filename

where filename should match the one specified for architecture_descent.py above.

Below are examples of configuration found using architecture descent:

Model Dataset Configuration
MobileNetV2 CIFAR100
MobileNetV2 TinyImageNet
ResNet18 CIFAR100
ResNet18 TinyImageNet

Plotting Residual Filters of Iterative Pruning

To show residual filters obtained via iterative pruning, run

python3 plot_filters.py --model vgg --dataset CIFAR100 --prune_fname filename

Below is an example for VGG11 using CIFAR10 and CIFAR100:


Integration to Other Architectures

NeuralScale can be applied to various architecture where the implementation are as follows:

  1. Using model/VGG.py, model/mobilenetv2.py and model/preact_resnet.py as an example, the function prepare_filters() has to be modified for the targeted architecture
  2. Gates are added after batch normaliztion layers (preferably)
  3. Modify and Run architecture_descent.py
  4. Voila! You get your optimized architecture configuration


If you find this code useful you can cite us using the following bibTex:

  title={NeuralScale: Efficient Scaling of Neurons for Resource-Constrained Deep Neural Networks},
  author={Lee, Eugene and Lee, Chen-Yi},
  booktitle={Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition},