
this repo stores base skeleton for any selenium project. Implementation: selenium webDriver + java

Primary LanguageJava


this repo stores base skeleton for any selenium project. Implementation: selenium webDriver + java. Also the selenium skeleton provided is based on Page Object pattern approach. its idea can be understood in the following way: src\main\java\com\tanjarine\automation\selenium stores only page classes , e.g. AdminHomePage.java LoginPage.java VenueManagementPage.java

src\main\java\com\tanjarine\automation\utils stores Constants.java containing all the Constants within the projects: URLs being used, etc..

selenium\src\test\java\com\tanjarine\automation\selenium contains the following classes: TestBase.java - this class actually contains all the methods for the framework; i.e. methods for wating dynamic elements; methods for handlind js code, etc. Also it is worth mentioning, this one- is the parent class for all other test classes' instances. LoginPageTest.java VenueManagemenentPageTest.java - appropriate test classes containing instances of the page classes described above in "java->com->tanjarine->automation->selenium"