- 0
Sort icon not coming - urgent
#78 opened by Shubham2202 - 3
How to clear all filters
#73 opened by Bridua98 - 2
Table UI does not respect previous filters
#9 opened by eugener - 1
Travis Build fails
#68 opened by Bios-Marcel - 4
Lack of license
#66 opened by Bios-Marcel - 1
Choice dialog - focus problem on java >= 9
#65 opened by martinm1000 - 0
- 3
When is next release?
#63 opened by bpridemore - 0
Filtering with RegExp
#62 opened by JulianeG - 3
TableRowFilterSupport only sorting not filtering?
#46 opened by bio6891 - 1
How get and set Filter table?
#59 opened by saureti - 0
Add custom actions
#57 opened by hipopleb - 3
How can change foreground in the header?
#56 opened by saureti - 2
- 1
Broken download links (latest releases)
#51 opened by drojastello - 2
Icon lost in TableHeader when Column is sorted
#50 opened by dbausnnd - 2
Support for custom rendering of DistinctColumnItem in TableFilterColumnPopup
#48 opened by lucasecardoso - 5
Maven repository ?
#43 opened by juanpmarin - 0
firetablestructurechanged preserves filter state but resets the table header renderer
#45 opened by priyath - 10
Filter pop up not updating
#11 opened by chrisjones2004 - 15
Re-sizing the jpopupmenu
#44 opened by priyath - 4
ComponentOrientation problem
#42 opened by amirshaneh - 5
- 0
Support custom ActionListeners for Command Buttons
#37 opened by CroniD - 0
Support for JInternalFrame based TaskDialogs
#35 opened by CroniD - 1
UIManager.getFont can return null in Java 7
#33 opened by nigelht - 2
- 0
Custom FIltering
#22 opened by amirahmadMohamadi - 3
Large row count
#21 opened by chrisfabri - 0
save/restore filter settings
#20 opened by haifengl - 0
filter with dynamic table content
#19 opened by haifengl - 0
conflicts with JXTable's setSortOrderCycle
#18 opened by haifengl - 4
Localisation Issues
#17 opened by martinm1000 - 0
- 1
TaskDialog with a standard action in a footer area and a cancel button
#12 opened by maxim-mustermann - 2
- 0
More documentation
#4 opened by eugener - 1
Publish oxbow artifacts to public repository
#1 opened by eugener - 1
TaskDialog position
#14 opened by Trude - 0
Wrong definition of No-CommandTag
#15 opened by mariana33333 - 0
Possibility to disable filter support on few columns
#13 opened by eugener - 3
Error when try convertRowIndexToModel
#5 opened by eugener - 0
- 1
New checkbox choice ( like readio choice)
#7 opened by eugener - 0
- 3
- 2