
Python Telegram BOT able to store and retrive data from databases, set an alarms to remember you something and exchange messages in anonymous way

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


https://telegram.me/J4NN0 https://telegram.me/J4NN0_Bot https://pypi.org/project/python-telegram-bot/ https://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl-3.0.html

Python Telegram BOT main features:

  1. Store and retrive data from a database: you can save what you want and read it when you want.
  2. Set an alarm: when time is up the BOT will remind you what you asked for.
  3. Exchange messages between strangers: store a message in unknown way. You can also send it for a certain person. In this way he/she will be able to read it but he/she will never know the writer of the message.

The BOT is hosted on Heroku.

For its development I used python-telegram-bot API and sqlite3.

Check it out on telegram: @J4NN0_Bot

Table of Contents


You need to

import sqlite3

and I also suggest you to download DB Browser for SQLite to easly manage (create, read, delete, modifiy, etc.) the databases.

BOT usage

  • ⭕ Developer

    • /about: to see info about developer
  • 📝 List

    • /addtolist <items>: to add one or several items to your personal list (to do list, reminders or what you want)
    • /rmfromlist <items>: to remove one or several itmes from your personal list
    • /show_list: it shows items that you added to your personal list
    • /clear_list: to delete all items from your pesonal list
  • ❓ Message from strangers

    • /topic: to see topic that contains at least one message from a stranger
    • /msg [-user] <topic> <text>: to sent a message that everyone can read; -user is optional, if inserted your username will be showed with the message you sent
    • /showmsg <topic>: to see message about a specific topic
    • /delmsg <topic>: to delete a your message that you posted in that topic
    • /tagmsg: to check if someone tag you in a topic or message (tag in telegram: @username)
    • /personalmsg: to see all messages you sent
  • 🔀 Random value

    • /random <number>: it will return a random number between 0 and
  • ⏰ Alarm

    • /timer <seconds>: to set a timer and wait for your message
  • Info about bot

    • /help: to have info about all commands

Easter egg

There are also a lot of easter eggs (you can't find it in this code) that i wrote to have fun with my friends. Try to find them and enjoy!

How to host BOT on Heroku

  1. Register on Heroku

  2. Download and install Heroku CLI and git

  3. Create a folder and put inside it


    You can also have a "app.json" schema useful to declare environment variables, add-ons, and other information required to run an app on Heroku. More info here

  4. Put inside "Procfile"

    worker: python script.py
  5. Check your python version with

    python --version

    And put it in "runtime.txt". For example, if the Python version is 3.6.6 just put inside the file:

  6. Specify explicit dependency versions inside "requirements.txt"

    For example i'm using python-telegram-bot API. So my file "requirements.txt" will contain


    To update this file, you can use the pip freeze command in your active virtual environment:

    pip freeze > requirements.txt

    More info here

  7. Now in terminal If you haven't already, log in to your Heroku account and follow the prompts to create a new SSH public key

    heroku login

    Create git repository

    git init

    Or clone this repo

    git clone https://github.com/J4NN0/j4nn0-b0t.git

    Create heroku app

    heroku create

    Push your code (or deploy changes) into heroku app

    git add .
    git commit -m 'message'
    git push heroku master
  8. Run your worker

    heroku ps:scale worker=1
  9. Check logs with

    heroku logs --tail
  10. Enjoy your bot

Official Heroku Guide

Checkout also the offical heroku guide: Getting Started on Heroku with Python
