Laravel log

Laravel module for logs generating


First, require the package using Composer:

composer require merkeleon/laravel-log

  1. Add new class Log that should extend Merkeleon\Log\Model\Log

  2. Custom your log class.

    • Add protected static attribute $table - the name of table or elastic search index
    • Add custom parameters $customAttributes. By default only parameters Log::$attributes will be save. The keys of Log::$customAttributes are parameters identificators. The values of Log::$customAttributes are casts. Following casts are supported:
      • int
      • float
      • string
      • bool
      • array
    • You can add validation rules.
    • If you want to duplicate your logs to files you should override function toLogFileArray
  3. Add the merkeleon_log.php config php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Merkeleon\Log\Providers\MerkeleonLogProvider"

    • Point your log class
    • Point the driver (mysql or elastic)
    • If you want to duplicate your logs to files you should point the path to log file.


    namespace App\Models;
    use Merkeleon\Log\Model\Log;
    class AuditLog extends Log
        protected static $table = 'audit_logs';
        protected static $customAttributes = [
            'user_id'         => 'int',
            'user_id_related' => 'int',
            'data'            => 'array',
        protected static $rules = [
            'event_type'      => 'required',
            'ip'              => 'required',
            'user_agent'      => 'required',
            'user_id'         => 'integer',
            'user_id_related' => 'integer',
        public function toLogFileArray()
            return [
                "created_at"         => $this->created_at->format('Y-m-d H:i:s'),
                "ip"                 => $this->ip,
                "event_type"         => $this->event_type,
                "user_id"            => $this->user_id,
                "user_id_related"    => empty($this->user_id_related) ? '-' : $this->user_id_related,
                "user_agent"         => '"' . $this->user_agent . '"',
                "data"               => json_encode($this->data),
        return [
            'audit_log' => [
                'class' => \App\Models\AuditLog::class,
                'driver' => 'elastic',
                'log_file' => '/var/www/logs/audit_log.log'



$auditLogRepository = LogRepository::make('audit_log');

    'user_id'         => 1,
    'event_type'      => 'user_banned',
    'user_id_related' => 2,
    'data'            => [
        'user'         => [
            'id'   => '1',
            'name' => 'Admin User',
        'user_related' => [
            'id'   => '2',
            'name' => 'Test user'

$auditLogRepository->where('user_id', 1)->orderBy('event_type', 'asc')->paginate(10);

$auditLogRepository->where('user_id', 1)->get();