
This custom plugin shows you how to develop and test a L4 TCP level custom Kong plugin for rate-limiting SOAP over JMS messages. The target JMS broker is a Tibco EMS server.

Primary LanguageJava


1. run the docker-compose file

  • docker-compose up -> to view the logs in stdout
  • To rebuild the images run a. docker-compose down -> gracefully stop containers b. docker system prune -> delete cached containers c. docker-compose up --build -> rebuild containers

2. setup a service on Kong Manager

  • host: mq-broker-host
  • protocol: tcp
  • port: mq-port

3. setup a route

curl -X POST http://localhost:2001/services/mq/routes \
 --data "protocols[]=tcp" \
 --data "name=tcp-route" \
 --data "destinations[1].port=9000"

Setup JMS client

1. navigate to ./jms folder

2. rename the lib/tibjms.jar to tibjms-1.0.jar

3. import the tibjms-1.0.jar to this directory on your local maven repo

  • if the below path doesn't exist, create it first
  • /Users/<replace-user>/.m2/repository/com/tibco/tibjms/1.0

4. import the jms-2.0.jar to this directory on your local maven repo

  • if the below path doesn't exist, create it first
  • /Users/<replace-url>/.m2/repository/javax/jms/jms/2.0

5. run the pom.xml with below command

  • mvn clean install -U


1. run the java app

  • mvn exec:java -Dexec.mainClass="com.example.App"

2. observe responses, you should see messages hitting and being received from the MQ endpoint in the same terminal you ran step 1

3. go to kong manager and turn on the custom plugin

  • search for tcp-rate-limit in plugins page
  • enable tcp-rate-limit globally or scope plugin to the tcp service / route

4. terminate the java app in the terminal of step 1

5. run the java app with the command in step 1 again

6. observe after 5 messages are received from the MQ, an error code 429 starts to appear and no more new messages are received from the MQ