Vision CIDIS App

A Flutter application developed and mantained by the Computer Vision Group from CIDIS-Espol.

Getting Started

This project contains all the necessary files to compile and run the Front End mobile app.

Connecting to the Back End

The following commands enable the connection and data transfer to/from the Node.js server:

Sending a Request

The following command sends a POST request from the app to the server:


  Future<int> attemptSignUp(String fullname, String username, String email, String password) async {
    var res = await
        body: {
          "fullname": fullname,
          "username": username,
          "user_mail": email,
          "password": password


  Future<String> attemptLogIn(String username, String password) async {
    var res = await
        body: {
          "username": username,
          "password": password


onTap: () async {
    await storage.deleteAll();
      MaterialPageRoute(builder: (context) => LoginPage()),


  Future<int> attemptSignUp(String username) async {
    var res = await
        body: {
          "username": username,
    // Solo retorna el status (201 ok, ó 409 error).
    return res.statusCode;


var res = await
    body: {
      "username": username

Getting Information

The following command retrieves information from the server:

Sending an Image to the Server

The following command sends an image to the server:

API Interface

The app connects to the Backend through the following routes:\

/signup, which accepts POST requests in urlencoded format, containing two self-explanatory text fields: a username field and a password field and either responds with status code 201 if it was able to create the user, or status code 409 if it wasn’t;
/login, which accepts POST requests in urlencoded format and accepts a username field and a password field, and either responds with status code 200 and the JWT in the body of the response, or with status code 401 if there is no user with the given username and password;
/data, which accepts GET requests, which must have a JWT attached to the Authorization request header, and which will either return the “secret data” only to authenticated users (with status code 200) or a response with status code 401, meaning the JWT is invalid or has expired.\


Front End

Android Studio Flutter Plugin Dart Plugin

Back End


Back End Libraries

sqlite3 (Create and access the SQLite database)
Express (Web framework)
jsonwebtoken (Create JSON Web Tokens)
multer (Middleware for handling multipart/form-data to upload images)\

$ npm init
$ npm install --save express jsonwebtoken sqlite3 multer

Implementing the Back End with Node

Navigate to your .js directory through the command window cmd and type:

$ node <server>.js


Centro de Investigación, Desarrollo, e Innovación (CIDIS).
Escuela Superior Politécnica del Litoral, Guayaquil, Ecuador.
2020 all rights reserved.