Semantic Segmentation

SDC Term 3 Elective: Semantic Segmentation project

Project Overview

The main goal of this project was to study how works the Fully Convolutional Network (FCN) and main concepts like Decoder/Encoder, Transposed Convolution, Skip Connections and etc.

Here my dev.setup: Python 3.6.0, Tensorflow 1.4.0 and AWS g3.4xlarge with community AMI udacity-advanced-deeplearning.

I experimented with several epochs values, batch sizes, learning rates and dropouts hyper parameters during training, and we finally settled on the following hyper parameters since the resulting model seems to generalize well and do not over or under fit the test data in the dataset:

  • Epochs: 200
  • Batch Size: 24 (One 160x576 pixel RGB image)
  • Learning rate: 0.0001
  • Dropouts: 0.5

The training time: 2h 30m, loss = 0.009


The following give examples of the output of this Fully Convolutional Network for Semantic Segmentation:

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The following resources were very helpful:


Frameworks and Packages

Make sure you have the following is installed:


Download the Kitti Road dataset from here. Extract the dataset in the data folder. This will create the folder data_road with all the training a test images.



Implement the code in the module indicated by the "TODO" comments. The comments indicated with "OPTIONAL" tag are not required to complete.


Run the following command to run the project:


Note If running this in Jupyter Notebook system messages, such as those regarding test status, may appear in the terminal rather than the notebook.


  1. Ensure you've passed all the unit tests.
  2. Ensure you pass all points on the rubric.
  3. Submit the following in a zip file.
  • Newest inference images from runs folder (all images from the most recent run)