Gaussian Naive Bayes classifier

In this exercise you will implement a Gaussian Naive Bayes classifier to predict the behavior of vehicles on a highway. In the image below you can see the behaviors you'll be looking for on a 3 lane highway (with lanes of 4 meter width). The dots represent the d (y axis) and s (x axis) coordinates of vehicles as they either...

  1. change lanes left (shown in blue)
  2. keep lane (shown in black)
  3. or change lanes right (shown in red)

Your job is to write a classifier that can predict which of these three maneuvers a vehicle is engaged in given a single coordinate (sampled from the trajectories shown below).

Each coordinate contains 4 pieces of information:

  • s
  • d ​* s_dot
  • ​d_dot ​​ You also know the lane width is 4 meters (this might be helpful in engineering features for your algorithm).