
Some functions for smoothing reading in Info-mode and writing to org-mode

Primary LanguageEmacs LispMIT LicenseMIT


Doom Emacs

Add following to packages.el

(package! info-noter
   :recipe (:host github
           :repo "eugercek/info-noter.el"))

Bind Keybindings

This is not very well taugth!

(map!  :mode Info-mode
       "e l" 'info-heading->org-heading)

x is not bound to anything on my setup you can bind like this too

(map!  :mode Info-mode
       :n "x" 'info-heading->org-heading)

Load package

To load package in startup we use use-package! Also included keybind mapping in here.

(use-package! info-noter
  (map!  :mode Info-mode
         :n "x" 'info-heading->org-heading))


I always take note with respect to the content I read. For example If I’m reading a book you can see all chapters’ name in my org-mode notes. One of the biggest problem is just this 7 command :(

  1. yy Copy Line
  2. SPC w l Go to notes buffer
  3. p Paste
  4. Handle extra ====================
  5. SPC * My personal binding for org-ctrl-start
  6. O for go to new line
  7. SPC w h for Info-mode buffer

Relevant xkcd



  • Add send source code blocks
  • Add go to buffer after insert the heading