
Competitive programming and exercises

Primary LanguageC++GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

Competitive programming and exercises

These are my C++ solutions of some competitive programming problems and various exercises. Similar problems are solved using different algorithms and data structures — sometimes using those provided by the standard library, sometimes using my own ones.

Most solutions are in C+11 due to ex-UVa online-judge limitation. Some of them after successful submission were modified to use C++14/17 features.

ex-UVa OJ problems

Problems source

ID Title Categories
001 08 Maximum sum Linear search, maximum sum subarray, Kadane’s algorithm
001 09 Scud busters Convex hull
001 12 Tree summing Binary tree
001 20 Stacks of flapjacks Stack, pancake sorting
001 22 Trees on the level Binary tree, level-order traversal, breadth-first search
001 40 Bandwidth Permutations, backtracking
001 47 Dollars Dynamic programming, coin change
001 64 String computer Dynamic programming, edit distance
002 00 Rare order Topological sorting, depth-first search
002 16 Getting in line Dynamic programming, Hamiltonian path, bit masks
002 18 Moth eradication Convex hull
002 22 Budget travel
002 40 Variable radix Huffman encoding Huffman tree, depth-first search
002 59 Software allocation
002 64 Count on cantor
002 70 Lining up
002 94 Divisors
003 34 Identifying concurrent events
003 48 Optimal array mult. sequence Dynamic programming, matrix-chain multiplication
003 50 Pseudo random numbers
003 53 Pesky palindromes Polynomial rolling hash, string processing
003 57 Count the ways
003 61 Cops and robbers
003 72 WhatFix notation Binary tree, pre-/in-/post-order traversals conversion
003 74 Big mod Binary exponentiation, modular exponentiation
004 29 Word transformation
004 37 Tower of Babylon
004 39 Knight moves Breadth-first search
004 54 Anagrams
004 55 Periodic strings Strings, Knuth–Morris–Pratt algorithm
004 59 Graph connectivity Disjoint-set/union-find, graph connected components
004 69 Wetlands of Florida
004 81 What goes up Longest increasing subsequence, binary search
004 82 Permutations arrays
005 01 Black box AVL tree, binary tree iterator
005 07 Jill rides again Linear search, maximum sum subarray, Kadane’s algorithm
005 16 Prime land
005 26 String distance Dynamic programming, edit distance
005 36 Tree recovery Binary tree, pre-/in-/post-order traversals conversion
005 40 Team queue
005 43 Goldbach conjecture Prime numbers
005 48 Tree
005 51 Nesting bunch of brackets
005 58 Wormholes
005 62 Dividing coins
005 68 Just the facts Factorial, recurrence relation
005 74 Sum it up
005 82 Randomly wired neural nets Depth-first search, graph biconnected component
005 83 Prime factors
006 12 DNA sorting Merge sort, inversions counting
006 23 500! Factorial, big integer
006 30 Anagrams
006 39 Don’t get rooked
006 74 Coin change
006 79 Dropping balls
006 84 Integral determinant Gaussian elimination, Euclidean algorithm
006 86 Goldbach conjecture II Prime numbers
007 01 The archeologists’ dilemma Logarithm
007 14 Copying books Linear partitioning, implicit binary search
007 19 Glass beads Lexicographically minimal rotation, Duvan’s algorithm
007 27 Equation Expression parsing, shunting yard algorithm
007 29 The Hamming distance problem Backtracking
007 50 Eight queens chess problem Backtracking
007 87 Maximum sub-sequence product Maximum product subarray, big integer
007 93 Network connections
007 96 Critical links Depth-first search, graph bridge
008 20 Internet bandwidth
008 33 Water falls
008 68 Numerical maze Backtracking
008 72 Ordering
009 08 Reconnecting computer sites
009 29 Number maze
009 42 Cyclic numbers Rational number, decimal fraction, hash table
009 90 Diving for gold
009 91 Safe salutations Combinatorics, recurrence relation, Catalan numbers
011 21 Subsequence Sliding window
011 75 Ladies’ choice Stable matching problem, Gale-Shapley algorithm
012 10 Sum of consecutive prime numbers Prime numbers
012 52 Twenty questions
012 60 Sales
012 93 Symbolic derivation Expression parsing, shunting yard algorithm, symbolic eval.
013 72 Log jumping
016 50 Number string Combinatorics, recurrence relation
100 03 Cutting sticks
100 04 Bicoloring
100 18 Reverse and add Integers, 196-algorithm
100 61 How many zeros and digits? Factorial, prime numbers, factorization, logarithm
100 79 Pizza cutting Combinatorics, central polygonal numbers
101 07 What is the median Priority queue, online algorithms
101 71 Meeting prof. Miguel
101 93 All you need is love Greatest common divisor
102 20 I love big numbers! Factorial, big integer
102 23 How many nodes Combinatorics, recurrence relation, Catalan numbers
102 29 Modular Fibonacci Fibonacci numbers, modular exponentiation
102 45 The closest pair problem 2D closest pair of points
102 68 498-bis Horner’s rule
102 82 Babelfish Hash table
102 98 Power strings
103 05 Ordering tasks
103 11 Goldbach and Euler Prime numbers
103 19 Manhattan
103 27 Flip sort AVL tree
103 41 Solve it Numerics, Newton’s method
103 64 Square Backtracking, bit masks
103 82 Watering grass Greedy, interval covering
104 28 The roots Root finding, bisection method
104 54 Trexpression Expression parsing, shunting yard algorithm, Catalan numbers
104 96 Collecting beepers
105 33 Digit primes
105 67 Helping Fill Bates
105 70 Meeting with aliens Permutation, swaps counting, cycles counting
105 76 Y2K accounting bug
105 86 Polynomial remains
106 00 ACM contest and blackout
106 04 Chemical reaction
106 51 Pebble solitaire
106 55 Contemplation! Algebra Recurrence relation, modular exponentiation
106 64 Luggage
106 84 Jackpot
106 99 Count the factors Prime numbers, prime decomposition
107 23 Cyborg genes
107 38 Riemann vs Mertens Prime numbers, Möbius function, Mertens function
108 01 Lift hopping
108 10 Ultra quicksort Merge/insertion sort, inversions counting
108 55 Rotated squares Matrix rotation, matrix transposition
108 70 Recurrences
109 20 Spiral Tap Analytic expression
109 31 Parity
109 34 Dropping water balloons
109 35 Throwing cards away Queue, singly-linked list
109 38 Flea circus
109 54 Add all Heap
109 57 Su Doku checker Backtracking, bit mask
109 94 Simple addition Analytic expression
110 57 Exact sum
110 60 Beverages
110 77 Find the permutations Combinatorics, recurrence relation, Stirling numbers
111 37 Ingenuous cubrency
111 51 Longest palindrome Dynamic programming, string processing
111 71 SMS Dynamic programming, string processing, trie
111 95 Another N-queen problem Backtracking, bit mask
112 27 The silver bullet
112 35 Frequent values
112 36 Grocery store
112 57 New marketing plan Polygon, inscribed circle radius, priority queue
112 58 String partition Dynamic programming
112 60 Odd root sum Analytic expression, impl. binary search, modular arithmetic
112 71 Lattice of resistors Recurrence relation, asymptotic expansion
112 83 Playing Boggle Backtracking
112 97 Census 2D sqrt decomposition
113 62 Phone list Trie, prefix matching
114 13 Fill the containers
114 20 Chest of drawers Combinatorics, recurrence relation
114 56 Trainsorting
114 61 Square numbers Implicit binary search
114 62 Age sort Count sort
114 63 Commandos
114 75 Extend to palindrome
115 17 Exact change
115 36 Smallest sub-array Sliding window
115 72 Unique snowflakes Linear search, hash table
115 84 Partitioning by palindromes
116 21 Small factors Logarithm
116 34 Generate random numbers
116 36 Hello, world! Analytic expression, logarithm
116 58 Best coalitions
116 86 Pick up sticks
116 91 Allergy test
117 03 Sqrt, log, sin Recurrence relation
117 14 Blind sorting Order statistics (2nd largest)
117 33 Airports
119 02 Dominator
119 91 Easy problem from Rujia Liu? Sorting, binary search
119 97 K smallest sums
120 86 Potentiometers Fenwick tree
121 05 Bigger is better (1)
121 05 Bigger is better (2)
121 92 Grapevine Binary search
122 38 Ants colony
123 47 Binary search tree Binary search tree, pre/post-order traversal
124 55 Bars Complete search, backtracking
124 58 Oh, my trees!
124 62 Rectangle Linear search, stack, bit mask
124 94 Distinct substring Lex. minimal rotation, Duvan’s algorithm, hash table
125 04 Updating a dictionary Quick sort
126 40 Largest sum game Linear search, maximum sum subarray, Kadane’s algorithm
126 97 Minimal subarray length Linear search, maximum sum subarray, Kadane’s algorithm
127 02 Dilation Binary morphology, binary image dilation
129 11 Subset sum Subset sum, complete search, meet-in-the-middle
130 50 Discovering paths Combinatorics, recurrence relation
132 82 Cakey McCakeFace (1) Sorting, linear search
132 82 Cakey McCakeFace (2) Bit mask, bucketing

International high performance computing contest

Problems source

ID Title Categories
C2 Get the image Fractal, Mandelbrot set, MPI, std::thread

Other problems and exercises

Miscellaneous problems from different online sources.

Title Categories
Array to binary search tree Binary search tree
Array with unit adj. difference search Linear search
Binary sorted array transition point Binary search
Binary tree diameter Binary tree, depth-first traversal
Binary tree top view Binary tree, breadth-first traversal
Bitonic array search Binary search
Common elements in three array Linear search
Connection point in Y-shaped linked lists Singly-linked list
Count anagram substrings Hash table, sliding window
Count smaller elements on the right AVL tree
Count squares in postal codes Analytic expression
Count the triplets Linear search, pair sum search
Divisibility in a binary stream Modular arithmetic, divisibility
Equilibrium point Linear search
Generate parentheses (1) Combinatorics, backtracking
Has a subset with a sum Dynamic programming
Is a linked list a palindrome Singly-linked list
Is a subtree (1) Binary tree, depth-first traversal
K-th element in row-column sorted matrix Heap
Largest number with k swaps Backtracking
Largest rectangle in a histogram Linear search, stack
Largest square a boolean matrix Dynamic programming, largest square submatrix
Last two digits of Fibonacci Fibonacci numbers, modular arithmetic, binary exponentiation
List merge Singly-linked list
List merge sort Singly-linked list, merge sort
Longest distinct-character substring Linear search
Longest palindromic sum substring Linear search
Majority element Boyer–Moore majority vote algorithm
Make array strictly increasing Longest increasing subsequence, binary search
Matrix rotation Matrix rotation, matrix transposition
Maximum distance between sorted elements Linear search
Maximum numerical value in a string Linear search, lexicographic comparison
Maximum of each subarray (1) Sliding window, balanced binary tree
Maximum of each subarray (1) Sliding window, deque
Maximum product of 3 elements Linear search
Min-stack Stack
Minimum element in sorted rotated array Binary search
Minimum number of jumps (1) Dynamic programming
Minimum number of jumps (2) Linear search
Nearly sorted Heap sort, insertion sort
Next greater element Linear search, stack
Nodes at distance k in binary tree Binary tree, depth-first traversal
Number of paths in a grid Combinatorics
Partition even and odd nodes Singly-linked list
Queue as two stacks Queue, stack
Remove duplicate nodes Singly-linked list
Remove middle node Singly-linked list
Restore an alphabet from a dictionary Topological sorting, Kahn’s algorithm
Reverse a singly-linked list Singly-linked list
Reverse words in a string Linear search
Rotate a singly-linked list Singly-linked list
Rotated array search Binary search, linear search
Second largest Order statistics, second largest element, binary counter
Set row and column if Linear search
Smallest number in a permutation Linear search
Sorted subsequence of size 3 Linear search
Sorted subsequence of size 4 Linear search
Square root Implicit binary search
Subarray with given sum Linear search
Three way partition Array partitioning
Two elements with the given sum Linear search, hash table
Unordered equal arrays Sequence, hash table
XOR linked list Doubly-linked list
Zero-sum subarray Linear search, hash table