This repository contains the accompanying code for 4D-SpatioTemporal ConvNets: Minkowski Convolutional Neural Networks, CVPR'19.
Download the ScanNet dataset from the official website. You need to sign the terms of use.
Next, preprocess all scannet raw point cloud with the following command after you set the path correctly.
python -m lib.datasets.prepreocessing.scannet
- Train the network with
export BATCH_SIZE=N;
./scripts/ 0 \
-default \
"--scannet_path /path/to/preprocessed/scannet"
Modify the BATCH_SIZE
The first argument is the GPU id and the second argument is the path postfix and the last argument is the miscellaneous arguments.
The official evaluation metric for ScanNet is mIoU. OA, Overal Accuracy is not the official metric since it is not discriminative. This is the convention from the 2D semantic segmentation as the pixelwise overall accuracy does not capture the fidelity of the semantic segmentation. On 3D ScanNet semantic segmentation, OA: 89.087 -> mIOU 71.496 mAP 76.127 mAcc 79.660 on the ScanNet validation set v2.
Then why is the overall accuracy least discriminative metric? This is due to the fact that most of the scenes consist of large structures such as walls, floors, or background and scores on these will dominate the statistics if you use Overall Accuracy.
Download the dataset from download
cd /path/to/extract/synthia4d
tar -xf Synthia4D.tar
tar -xvjf *.tar.bz2
- Training
export BATCH_SIZE=N; \
./scripts/ 0 \
"-default" \
"--synthia_path /path/to/extract/synthia4d"
The above script trains a network. You have to change the arguments accordingly. The first argument to the script is the GPU id. Second argument is the log directory postfix; change to mark your experimental setup. The final argument is a series of the miscellaneous aruments. You have to specify the synthia directory here. Also, you have to wrap all arguments with " ".
Model | Dataset | Voxel Size | Performance | Link |
Mink16UNet34C | ScanNet | 2cm | Test set 73.6% mIoU | download |