
Retrieve pull requests of repositories and their details

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT

version golang-version License: MIT master-actions Actions Status

Preparation / Installation

To be able to properly use this tool, the following steps are required :

  • Clone this repository to your local environment.
  • Create a new Personal Access Token on github and include the scopes :
    • repo : Full control of private repositories
    • admin:org : Full control of orgs and teams, read and write org projects
  • Make sure to enable SSO on your access token so allow the script to use it for repositories/organizations that have SSO enabled.
  • Create a new environmental variable to store the access token created :
    • GITPR_GITHUB_AUTH_TOKEN=<your token>

Commands Usage

Usage of the script in general

[~/gitpr]$ go run cmd/gitpr/main.go -h
   GitPullRequests - CLI tool to check status of pull requests in github, get pull requests of users and extract metrics on them.

   main [global options] command [command options] [arguments...]


   Angelos Giannis

   find, f              Find the pull requests of multiple user repositories.
   pull-requests, p     Retrieves and prints all the pull requests of a user for a repository.
   user-repos, u        Retrieves and prints the repos of an authenticated user.
   widget, w            Display a widget based terminal which will include all the details required.
   commit-list, c       Retrieves and prints the list of commits between two provided tags or commits.
   create-release, cr   Retrieves all the commits between two tags and creates a list of them to be used a release description..
   pr-metrics, m        Retrieves and prints the number of pull requests for a repository that have been created during a specific time period as well as the lead time of those pull requests.
   release-report, r    Retrieves the releases that were published and/or created within a time range for a repository and prints a report based on them.
   publish-metrics, pm  Retrieves the metric details for a list of sprints, prepares the report information for each one of them and publishes the report data the provided google spreadsheet.
   workflows, wf_exec   Retrieves and prints the workflow executions of a repository.
   help, h              Shows a list of commands or help for one command

   --help, -h     show help (default: false)
   --version, -v  print the version (default: false)

Usage of find command

[~/gitpr]$ go run cmd/gitpr/main.go find -h                                                                                                                                                                                                                [master]
   main find - Find the pull requests of multiple user repositories.

   main find [command options] [arguments...]

   --auth_token value, -t value  Github authorization token. (default: "~")
   --help, -h                    show help (default: false)

Usage of pull-requests command

[~/gitpr]$ go run cmd/gitpr/main.go pull-requests -h                                                                                                                                                                                                       [master]
   main pull-requests - Retrieves and prints all the pull requests of a user for a repository.

   main pull-requests [command options] [arguments...]

   --auth_token value, -t value  Github authorization token. (default: "~")
   --owner value, -o value       Owner of the repository to use.
   --repository value, -r value  Repository name to use.
   --base value, -b value        Base branch to check pull requests against. (default: "master")
   --state value, -a value       State of the pull request. (default: "open")
   --page_size value, -s value   Size of each page to load. (default: 10)
   --help, -h                    show help (default: false)

Usage of user-repos command

[~/gitpr]$ go run cmd/gitpr/main.go user-repos -h                                                                                                                                                                                                          [master]
   main user-repos - Retrieves and prints the repos of an authenticated user.

   main user-repos [command options] [arguments...]

   --auth_token value, -t value  Github authorization token. (default: "~")
   --page_size value, -s value   Size of each page to load. (default: 10)
   --help, -h                    show help (default: false)

Usage of widget command

[~/gitpr]$ go run cmd/gitpr/main.go widget -h                                                                                                                                                                                                              [master]
   main widget - Display a widget based terminal which will include all the details required.

   main widget [command options] [arguments...]

   --auth_token value, -t value  Github authorization token. (default: "~")
   --help, -h                    show help (default: false)

Usage of commit-list command

[~/gitpr]$ go run cmd/gitpr/main.go commit-list                                                                                                                                                           *[master]
   main commit-list - Retrieves and prints the list of commits between two provided tags or commits.

   main commit-list [command options] [arguments...]

   --auth_token value, -t value  Github authorization token. (default: "~")
   --owner value, -o value       Owner of the repository to use.
   --repository value, -r value  Repository name to use.
   --start_tag value             The starting tag/commit to compare against.
   --end_tag value               The ending/latest tag/commit to compare against. (default: "HEAD")
   --help, -h                    show help (default: false)

Usage of create-release command

[~/gitpr]$ go run cmd/gitpr/main.go create-release -h                                                                                                                                                     *[master]
   main create-release - Retrieves all the commits between two tags and creates a list of them to be used a release description..

   main create-release [command options] [arguments...]

   --auth_token value, -t value     Github authorization token. (default: "~")
   --owner value, -o value          Owner of the repository to use.
   --repository value, -r value     Repository name to use.
   --release_name value, -n value   Define the release name to be set. You can use a string pattern to set the place where the new release tag will be set. (default: "Release version : %v")
   --latest_tag value, -l value     The latest tag to compare against.
   --release_tag value, -v value    Release tag to be used (and checked against if exists). (default: "HEAD")
   --check_pattern value, -p value  Define the pattern to check the files modified against.
   --draft_release, -d              Defines if the release will be a draft or published. (default: false) (default: false)
   --force_create, -f               Forces the creation of the release without asking for confirmation. (default: false) (default: false)
   --help, -h                       show help (default: false)

usage of pr-metrics command

[~/gitpr]$ go run cmd/gitpr/main.go pr-metrics -h                                                                                                                                                     *[master]
   main pr-metrics - Retrieves and prints the number of pull requests for a repository that have been created during a specific time period as well as the lead time of those pull requests.

   main pr-metrics [command options] [arguments...]

   --auth_token value, -t value  Github authorization token. (default: "~")
   --owner value, -o value       Owner of the repository to use.
   --repository value, -r value  Repository name to use.
   --base value, -b value        Base branch to check pull requests against. (default: "master")
   --state value, -a value       State of the pull request. (default: "open")
   --start_date value, -f value  Start date of the time range to check. [Expected format: 'yyyy-mm-dd']
   --end_date value, -e value    End date of the time range to check. [Expected format: 'yyyy-mm-dd']
   --print_json, --json          Define whether the output needs to be printed in json format. (default: false)
   --help, -h                    show help (default: false)

Usage of release-report command

[~/gitpr]$ go run cmd/gitpr/main.go release-report -h
   main release-report - Retrieves the releases that were published and/or created within a time range for a repository and prints a report based on them.

   main release-report [command options] [arguments...]

   --auth_token value, -t value                                  Github authorization token. (default: "~")
   --owner value, -o value                                       Owner of the repository to use.
   --repository value, -r value                                  Repository name to use.
   --start_date value, -f value                                  Start date of the time range to check. [Expected format: 'yyyy-mm-dd']
   --end_date value, -e value                                    End date of the time range to check. [Expected format: 'yyyy-mm-dd']
   --default_version_pattern, --dvp                              Enables the default release version pattern to be used. (default pattern: ^(v[\d]+.[\d]+.[\d]+)$) (default: false)
   --version_pattern_with_service_initials value, --vpwsi value  Enables the release version pattern that uses the provided number of letters for service initials to be used. [pattern format: ^(v[\d]+.[\d]+.[\d]+-(\w){numOfInitialLetters,numOfInitialLetters})$] (default: 0)
   --help, -h                                                    show help (default: false)

Usage of workflows command

[~/gitpr]$ go run cmd/gitpr/main.go workflows -h
   GitPullRequests workflows - Retrieves and prints the workflow executions of a repository.

   GitPullRequests workflows command [command options] [arguments...]

   runs, r      Retrieves and prints the runs of a repository for a given amount of time.
   billable, b  Retrieves and prints summary of billing for all workflows of a repository duting the current billing cycle.
   help, h      Shows a list of commands or help for one command

   --auth_token value, -t value  Github authorization token. (default: "~")
   --owner value, -o value       Owner of the repository to use.
   --repository value, -r value  Repository name to use.
   --help, -h                    show help (default: false)

Usage of workflows runs command

[~/gitpr]$ go run cmd/gitpr/main.go workflows -o owner -r repo runs -h
   GitPullRequests workflows runs - Retrieves and prints the runs of a repository for a given amount of time.

   GitPullRequests workflows runs [command options] [arguments...]

   --start_date value, -f value  Start date of the time range to check. [Expected format: 'yyyy-mm-dd']
   --end_date value, -e value    End date of the time range to check. [Expected format: 'yyyy-mm-dd']
   --page_size value, -s value   Size of each page to load. (default: 30)
   --help, -h                    show help (default: false)

Usage of workflows billable command

[~/gitpr]$ go run cmd/gitpr/main.go workflows -o owner -r repo billable -h
   GitPullRequests workflows billable - Retrieves and prints summary of billing for all workflows of a repository duting the current billing cycle.

   GitPullRequests workflows billable [command options] [arguments...]

   --help, -h  show help (default: false)



go run cmd/gitpr/main.go user-repos -t <your token>
go run cmd/gitpr/main.go pull-requests -t <your token> -o eujoy -r gitpr -a open
go run cmd/gitpr/main.go find -t <your token>
go run cmd/gitpr/main.go commit-list -o eujoy -r gitpr -s <from tag/commit> -e <until tag/commit>
go run cmd/gitpr/main.go create-release -o eujoy -r gitpr -l <previous version> -v <new version> -d -f
go run cmd/gitpr/main.go create-release -o eujoy -r erbuilder -l v0.5.0 -v v0.7.5 -d -p "app/service"
go run cmd/gitpr/main.go pr-metrics -o eujoy -r erbuilder --start_date "2021-01-01" --end_date "2021-03-05"
go run cmd/gitpr/main.go release-report --o eujoy -r erbuilder --start_date "2021-01-01" --end_date "2021-01-31" --vpwsi 2
go run cmd/gitpr/main.go release-report --o eujoy -r erbuilder --start_date "2021-01-01" --end_date "2021-01-31" --dvp
go run cmd/gitpr/main.go release-report --o eujoy -r erbuilder --start_date "2021-01-01" --end_date "2021-01-31"
http://localhost:9999/userRepos?authToken=<your token>&pageSize=10&page=1
http://localhost:9999/pullRequests?authToken=<your token>&repoOwner=<owner>&repository=<some repo>&prState=open&baseBranch=master&pageSize=10&page=1

Useful Links

Bitbucket API documentation