Blog API

Welcome to the Blog API documentation.

Table of Contents

Project Description

This API allows you to manage posts and tags for a blog. Below you'll find details on how to set up, use, and interact with the API.


Before you begin, ensure you have met the following requirements:

Running the Project Locally

Follow these steps to run the project on your local development environment:

  1. Pull the Image

    docker pull eulbyvan/blog_api
  2. Run the application:

    docker compose up
  3. Access the application:

    Open your web browser and navigate to http://localhost:8080.

API Documentation


  1. Get a paginated list of posts filtered by a specific tag

    GET /api/posts?tag={TAG_FILTER_STRING}&page={PAGE_NUMBER_INT}&size={PAGE_SIZE_INT}

    Response: 200 OK: Returns a JSON array of posts

  2. Create a new post

    POST /api/posts

    Request Body:

        "title": "REST API with Go",
        "content": "Lorem ipsum",
        "tags": ["Go", "Lang"]

    Response: 201 Created: Returns the created post object

  3. Update a post

    PUT /api/posts/{id}

    Request Body:

        "title": "REST API with Go",
        "content": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet",
        "tags": ["Go", "Lang"]

    Response: 200 OK: Returns the updated post object

  4. Delete an existing post

    DELETE /api/posts/{id}

    Response: 204 No Content: Indicates that the post was successfully deleted

Additional Resources