* What's LimeChat LimeChat is an IRC client for Mac OS X. * The Author Satoshi Nakagawa <psychs@limechat.net> ##limechat on chat.freenode.net * Thanks To Allan Odgaard # WebViewAutoScroll and TextMate icon for Limelight theme Atsuhisa Shimazawa # Badges Dustin Voss # AsyncSocket Eloy Duran # RubyCocoa developer, a patch for bundling RubyCocoa.framework, # SACrashReporter, GrowlNotifier and refactoring around preferences Evan Phoenix # Inline images support Fujimoto Hisa # RubyCocoa creator Josh Goebel # CocoaSheet, many improvements of code and UIs, Pastie creator Jun Morimoto # Bug fixes K.Kosako # Oniguruma Keiji Yoshimi # A patch for GrowlNotifier and around hot key Kevin Ballard # Patches around theme support Laurent Sansonetti # RubyCocoa developer, many requests and suggestions Peter Haza # A patch for context menu on channel name in logs Python Software Foundation # Python logo in Limelight theme Rails team # Ruby on Rails logo in Limelight theme Shingo Morita # Badges Stanley Rost # Limelight theme Stefan Rusterholz # Many suggestions and patches Takashi Tsugo # Deep Ocean theme The Growl Project # Growl logo in Limelight theme why the lucky stiff # Syck William Thimbleby # Syck cocoa Yohei Endo # Application icon Yukihiro Matsumoto # Ruby logo in Limelight theme * License LimeChat is copyrighted free software by Satoshi Nakagawa <psychs AT limechat DOT net>. You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GPL version 2 (see the file GPL.txt).