
GLSL Syntax Highlighting for Sublime Text 2, 3, and 4

Primary LanguageGLSLThe UnlicenseUnlicense

Sublime Text 2, 3, and 4 - GLSL Package

Supported Extensions

vs, fs, gs, vsh, fsh, gsh, vshader, fshader, gshader, vert, frag, geom, tesc, tese, comp, glsl, .mesh .task, .rgen, .rint, .rahit, .rchit, rmiss, and rcall

How to Install

  1. Open up the Command Palette. (Command+Shift+P or Control+Shift+P)
  2. Run Package Control: Install Package command, find and install OpenGL Shading Language (GLSL) package.
  3. Restart Sublime Text. (if required)

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