What is the meal-buddy-api? 👨‍🍳

A RESTful CRUD app built with Golang (go1.21.5 darwin/amd64), PostgreSQL (14.2) and gorilla/mux that provides a few personal favorite recipes to simplify the chore of creating a list of meals for a given week.

My wife and I 🧔💁🏻‍♀️ are busy people and often don't have enough bandwidth to create a list of meals we want to eat during the week. This simple API allows us to feed it a set of reliable and delicious meals that we've enjoyed in the past and have it generate a random list of meals, depending on how many we're looking for that week. If you want the meal buddy to return a list of 3 recipes, simply do a GET against the /recipe/list/{number} endpoint and make sure to include a path variable for how many total meals you'd like it to generate, it's that easy!

How to run the meal-buddy-api locally

Once you have Golang and PostgreSQL installed, pull down the meal-buddy-api and change the USER value in the .env file to your own PostgreSQL user. Once you have established a connection to PostgreSQL, you can view information about current connection values by running:


Your .env should look like:

# PostgreSQL
DBNAME   = "mealbuddy"
HOST     = "localhost"
PASSWORD = "postgres"
PORT     = 5432
USER     = {your postgres username}

Now, run the db-init.sql script to create a mealbuddy database, tables for recipes and associated ingredients and instructions, as well as seed the tables with some initial recipe data.

psql -h localhost -U {your postgres username} -f scripts/db-init.sql

note that the db-init.sql script may require you to add execute permissions; in the event this is the case, run chmod u+wxr scripts/db-init.sql to grant the file owner permissions to read, write or execute the file

With the database created and seeded, navigate to the project root in a terminal window and use the following command to run the application.

go run main.go

Generate a list of n recipes

curl -X GET http://localhost:1111/recipe/list/{number}

Get a specific recipe by id

curl -X GET http://localhost:1111/recipe/{id}

Add a new recipe

curl -X POST http://localhost:1111/recipe/add -d '{ "Description": "Recipe description", "Image": "recipe-name.png", "Ingredients": ["ingredient one", "ingredient two"], "Instructions": ["instruction numero uno", "instruction numero dos"], "Name": "Recipe name", "Url": "https://myrecipe.com/recipe" }' -H "Content-Type: application/json"

Delete a recipe

curl -X DELETE http://localhost:1111/recipe/delete/{id}

Update a recipe

curl -X PUT http://localhost:1111/recipe/update/{id} -d '{ "Description": "Updated description", "Image": "updated-recipe-name.png", "Ingredients": ["Updated ingredients", "ingredient..."], "Instructions": ["Updated instruction", "instruction numero..."], "Name": "Updated recipe name", "Url": "https://myrecipe.com/recipe/updated" }' -H "Content-Type: application/json"

Coming Soon: a UI to consume, display and allow for the modification, creation, deletion and updating of recipes using the endpoints exposed by the meal-buddy-api.

Bon appetite! 😋