
Youtube Demo:

Heroku Deployment:

Account Login information:

User ID Password Account type
staff01 1234 staff
56Vauseman 00000000 staff
Yuan86 12345678 VIP customer
pipe04 pipes4444 Regular customer
kmt1011 12341234 Regular customer
test1234 12341234 Regular customer

Modify the repo

  1. File an issue
  2. Create a new branch git checkout -b <branch name>
  3. Work on that new branch with your feature/bug fixing
  4. Submit a pull request (please see the below PR rules)
  5. Request for reviewers
  6. Merge the pull request once there are 2 approvals

PR rules

  1. Naming convention, please put your issue number on the PR title. (e.g. for a PR fixing issue #111, use "Fix: #111 " as your title name.)
  2. If the PR is going to close the issue after merger, please use "Fixes: #111" in your description. This will automatically close your issue once the PR is merged. If the PR will not fix the issue and you don't want to close the issue, please don't use the Fixes keyword. However, please still mention the issue number in your description.

Run the app on your machine:

required installation:

  • nodejs
  • npm

database connection string:

Please copy the dbConnectionStr.json file to your root for connecting to database.


  • git clone
  • cd to SkinCareClinic directory
  • npm install
  • Front-end (port 3000) : npm start
  • Back-end (port 3001) : node ./servers/server

Feel free to update any useful information on this readme!