
testing algorithm LDA Python Languange

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


testing algorithm LDA Python Languange


  • Python Version 3.x.x (Testing With Ver 3.7.0)
  • Tools code editor VSCode
  • Pip Ver 22.3.1

How To Running Program

# Step 1 Intall all Lib Package

pip install numpy
pip install nltk
pip intall pandas
pip install openpyxy
pip install --upgrade gensim
pip install pyldavis==3.2.1
pip install Sastrawi
pip install swifter

# Step 2 config your path file name at server storage, example :
dataSB = pd.read_excel('content\dataDummy.xlsx', engine='openpyxl')  # lokasi path file

# Step 3 run and compile file data.py, if the program is running then continue with the next step, and if not check whether the lib package has been installed properly

# Step 4 run and compile file lda.py

# Step 5 LDA Processing (On Going)