
Simply integrate Summernote editor with Django project.

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Summernote is a simple WYSIWYG editor.

django-summernote allows you to embed Summernote into Django very handy. Support admin mixins and widgets.



  1. Install django-summernote to your python environment.

     pip install django-summernote
  2. Add django_summernote to INSTALLED_APP in settings.py.

     INSTALLED_APPS += ('django_summernote', )
  3. Add django_summernote.urls to urls.py.

    • For Django 1.x

      urlpatterns = [
          url(r'^summernote/', include('django_summernote.urls')),
    • For Django 2.x

      from django.urls import include
      # ...
      urlpatterns = [
          path('summernote/', include('django_summernote.urls')),
  4. Be sure to set proper MEDIA_URL for attachments.

    • The following is an example test code:

      MEDIA_URL = '/media/'
      MEDIA_ROOT = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'media/')
    • When debug option is enabled(DEBUG=True), DO NOT forget to add urlpatterns as shown below:

       from django.conf import settings
       from django.conf.urls.static import static
       if settings.DEBUG:
           urlpatterns += static(settings.MEDIA_URL, document_root=settings.MEDIA_ROOT)
    • Please, read the official document more in detail: https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/1.11/topics/files/

  5. Run database migration for preparing attachment model.

     python manage.py migrate


Django admin site

Apply summernote to all TextField in model

In admin.py,

    from django_summernote.admin import SummernoteModelAdmin
    from .models import SomeModel

    # Apply summernote to all TextField in model.
    class SomeModelAdmin(SummernoteModelAdmin):  # instead of ModelAdmin
        summernote_fields = '__all__'

    admin.site.register(SomeModel, SomeModelAdmin)

Apply summernote to not all TextField in model

Although Post model has several TextField, only content field will have SummernoteWidget.

In admin.py,

from django_summernote.admin import SummernoteModelAdmin
from .models import Post

class PostAdmin(SummernoteModelAdmin):
    summernote_fields = ('content',)

admin.site.register(Post, PostAdmin)


In forms,

from django_summernote.widgets import SummernoteWidget, SummernoteInplaceWidget

# Apply summernote to specific fields.
class SomeForm(forms.Form):
    foo = forms.CharField(widget=SummernoteWidget())  # instead of forms.Textarea

# If you don't like <iframe>, then use inplace widget
# Or if you're using django-crispy-forms, please use this.
class AnotherForm(forms.Form):
    bar = forms.CharField(widget=SummernoteInplaceWidget())

And for ModelForm,

class FormFromSomeModel(forms.ModelForm):
    class Meta:
        model = SomeModel
        widgets = {
            'foo': SummernoteWidget(),
            'bar': SummernoteInplaceWidget(),

Last, please don't forget to use safe templatetag while displaying in templates.

{{ foobar|safe }}


django-summernote is served with Bootstrap3 by default, but you can choose another options. You can change the theme by SUMMERNOTE_THEME = '<theme_name>' in settings.py.

  • Bootstrap3 (bs3)
  • Bootstrap4 (bs4)
  • Lite UI (Summernote standalone) (lite)

In settings.py

SUMMERNOTE_THEME = 'bs4'  # Show summernote with Bootstrap4


Support customization via settings. Put SUMMERNOTE_CONFIG into your settings file.

In settings.py,

    # Using SummernoteWidget - iframe mode, default
    'iframe': True,

    # Or, you can set it as False to use SummernoteInplaceWidget by default - no iframe mode
    # In this case, you have to load Bootstrap/jQuery stuff by manually.
    # Use this when you're already using Bootstraip/jQuery based themes.
    'iframe': False,

    # You can put custom Summernote settings
    'summernote': {
        # As an example, using Summernote Air-mode
        'airMode': False,

        # Change editor size
        'width': '100%',
        'height': '480',

        # Use proper language setting automatically (default)
        'lang': None,

        # Or, set editor language/locale forcely
        'lang': 'ko-KR',

        # You can also add custom settings for external plugins
        'print': {
            'stylesheetUrl': '/some_static_folder/printable.css',

    # Need authentication while uploading attachments.
    'attachment_require_authentication': True,

    # Set `upload_to` function for attachments.
    'attachment_upload_to': my_custom_upload_to_func(),

    # Set custom storage class for attachments.
    'attachment_storage_class': 'my.custom.storage.class.name',

    # Set custom model for attachments (default: 'django_summernote.Attachment')
    'attachment_model': 'my.custom.attachment.model', # must inherit 'django_summernote.AbstractAttachment'

    # You can disable attachment feature.
    'disable_attachment': False,

    # You can add custom css/js for SummernoteWidget.
    'css': (
    'js': (

    # You can also add custom css/js for SummernoteInplaceWidget.
    # !!! Be sure to put {{ form.media }} in template before initiate summernote.
    'css_for_inplace': (
    'js_for_inplace': (

    # Codemirror as codeview
    # If any codemirror settings are defined, it will include codemirror files automatically.
    'css': {
    'codemirror': {
        'mode': 'htmlmixed',
        'lineNumbers': 'true',

        # You have to include theme file in 'css' or 'css_for_inplace' before using it.
        'theme': 'monokai',

    # Lazy initialize
    # If you want to initialize summernote at the bottom of page, set this as True
    # and call `initSummernote()` on your page.
    'lazy': True,

    # To use external plugins,
    # Include them within `css` and `js`.
    'js': {

Or, you can styling editor via attributes of the widget. These adhoc styling will override settings from SUMMERNOTE_CONFIG.

# Apply adhoc style via attributes
class SomeForm(forms.Form):
    foo = forms.CharField(widget=SummernoteWidget(attrs={'summernote': {'width': '50%', 'height': '400px'}}))

You can also pass additional parameters to custom Attachment model by adding attributes to SummernoteWidget or SummernoteInplaceWidget, any attribute starting with data- will be pass to the save(...) method of custom Attachment model as **kwargs.

# Pass additional parameters to Attachment via attributes
class SomeForm(forms.Form):
    foo = forms.CharField(widget=SummernoteWidget(attrs={'data-user-id': 123456, 'data-device': 'iphone'}))


django-summernote does currently not support upload of non-image files.


django-summernote is distributed under MIT license and proudly served by great contributors.