
Historical NYC Housing Data acquired via Quandl API.

Primary LanguagePython

🏠 NYC Housing Data 🏠

"tryna track gentrification out here"

Uses the Quandl API to get housing data for all of New York City. Creates a Redis store full of NYC Housing Data. Uses a Flask app to creates a RESTful API that can be used to get relevant statistics on dataset and make visualisations.


Note: First make sure you have the following Python libraries installed.

Run: pip install Quandl requests pandas pymongo

  1. Create file config which holds Quandl API key


  2. Put the API key from Quandl into config.py

    echo apiKey = "YOUR_API_KEY" > config.py

  3. Populate a local Mongo store

    python get_data_from_quandl.py

  4. Query the store, to get gentrification data for a particular interval: (3,6,12,24)

    python query_mongo.py <interval>


  • Use a visualization lib [vega, Seaborn, folium]
  • Write query python scripts and tie together w/ a shell script.