
Cogs 121 Assignment 1

Primary LanguageHTML

#Assignment 1 Part 2: Summit ##Heuristics Evaluation

  1. Visibility of System Status
  • At the top of the page, the navigation bar informs users which page they are or which chat room they are in by showing the location and skill levels
  1. Match between system and the real world
  • The language is appropriate for all audience, not just typical skiiers/snowboarders.
  • For example, the different skill levels are labeled as easiest, intermediate, advanced, and expert.
  1. User control and freedom
  • The main navigation bar contains two dropdown menus, which allow users to navigate through different chat rooms.
  1. Consistency and standards -The logout button is located on the right-top corner, similar to popular social media websites. -The color scheme and background is consistent throughout the app.

  2. Error prevention

  • Instead of allowing users to type in any locations, we gave them choices by making it a dropdown menu.
  1. Recognition rather than recall
  • There is no need for the user to remember how to log in since there is only one button on the login page and the app is connected to the user's Twitter account
  • The whole user experience is very systematic and does not require any need to recall information from memory.
  1. Flexbility and efficiency of use

  2. Aesthetic and minimalistic design

  • The design of our app focuses on minimalism.
  • The design is simple and pleasing
  1. Help users recognize, diagnose, and recover from errors

  2. Help and documentation

  • There is a help documentation on every page if users ever get confused and lost.

Distribution of Work

Davis Yi:

  • set up the github repository
  • wrote the skeleton code for the search page

Elaine Hu:

  • wrote the schema for Mongo

Paulo Gonzales:

  • wrote the skeleton code for the home page

Yue Eunice Wong:

  • designed the wireframes
  • documented and wrote README
  • made sure the app does not violate any heuristics

Mustafa Khan:

  • wrote the skeleton code for the login page
  • implemented the authentication
  • styled the login page