
deepnews project finalized scripts

Primary LanguagePython


deepnews project finalized scripts

Description of Files (in sequence)

Data Extraction:

  1. get_content.py & get_content_hp.py :: Files for extracting raw text for


  1. process_small2.py :: File to splitting data to Train, Dev, Test sets (input: directories of low/high quality news; output: directories of train, dev, test)
  2. word2int_cbow.py :: File for converting text to integers for embedding look up and taking average over words for cbow (intput: directories from process_smal2.py output saved as pickles)
  3. SamplePOS.py :: generates sample POS tagged text

Models & Testing:

  1. feedforward_cbow_prints.py :: File for running the CBOW feedforward model (input, 100 dimensional averaged vectors per doc; output: generates a print_files directories with logs)
  2. centroids.py :: File to binary classify based on averaged centroids as comparison (input: pickles from word2int_cbow.py)


  1. plot_dev_cost.py :: File for plotting charts