
My Ecole42 projects.

Primary LanguageC


My Ecole42 Cursus Projects

1-) - Libft -

  • In this project, we maked our library and Makefile. Writed the functions which wanted from us. My Libft score is: 125/100

2-) - get_next_line -

  • We get how files are opened, read and closed in an OS, and how they are interpreted by a programming language for further analysis. This task is crucial to understand for a future programmer since much of the time is based on manipulating files for data management and persistence. This project consists of coding a function that returns one line at a time from a text file. My score is: 112/100

3-) - ft_printf -

  • This project consists of coding a library that contains a simplified version of the printf function. My score is: 100/100